Essay by 24 • March 12, 2011 • 8,251 Words (34 Pages) • 1,186 Views
Financial Analysis & Control System Page 1
I have read and understood the rules on cheating, plagiarism and appropriate
referencing as outlined in my handbook and I declare that the work contained in
this assignment is my own, unless otherwise acknowledged.
Signed: .......................Shu Wen GUO..............................
(for on-line submission it is only necessary to type your name in this space)
MODULE TITLE: Financial Analysis & Control Systems
MODULE DATE: 31ST October?4TH November 05
NAME: ...........Shu Wen GUO.......0531355..........
GROUP: ...........................K..............................
Financial Analysis & Control System Page 2
Question 1 (page 2-28)
Annual Report Analysis
(3,935 words)
Financial Analysis & Control System Page 3
1. Introduction......................................................?...........4
2. Brief Business Description..........................................?
2.1. Main Products........................................................................ 5
2.2. Main Markets..............................................................................6
3. Main Financial Statements..........................................?
3.1. Profit and Loss Account............................................................4
3.2. Balance Sheet........................................................................6
3.3. Cash Flow Statement..........................................?.......................6
4. Ratio Analysis............................................................?8
4.1. Profile Ratios........................................................................?8
4.2. Profitability Ratios.....................................................................9
5. Conclusion..................................................................13
Financial Analysis & Control System Page 4
1. Introduction
In demonstrating my comprehension of Financial Analysis and Control System
module, particularly in the part of interpretation of published accounts, I
complete this assignment, on the basis of the latest available Annual Report of
Alumasc Group plc. After a brief description which gives a full view of the
company's structure and business activities, the main financial statements are
scrutinized by horizontal analysis, and then ratio analysis is adopted to
examine the company's performance by using the figures of FAME database.
In the end, a conclusion is made to support my understanding of the
company's business performance.
Financial Analysis & Control System Page 5
2. Brief Business Description
According to the collected information [1], the Alumasc Group, which became a
public limited company in 1986, is dedicated to supply premium building and
engineering products, along with opportune service and technical solutions, to
their customers in various industries. It organizes 11 companies, which are
self-operated within a decentralized corporate structure in 2 operating divisions,
the Building Products?Division and the Engineering Products?Division. The
philosophy of Alumasc is "premium products with premium service? and with
the collective efforts of its 1000 employees, Alumasc aims to achieve
successive business growth and expansion. The main products and main
markets of Alumasc Group are respectively as follows.
2.1. Main Products
Building Products [2]
On the basis of different customers and market sectors, the Building Products
Division involves 6 companies in 4 product groups, which are Exterior, Interior,
Construction and Housebuilding.
Exterior Building Products supplies high performance rainwater, drainage,
roofing, faÐ*ade and render systems by Alumasc Exterior Building Products
(AEBP), and support systems for roof-located equipment by Roof-Pro.
Interior Building Products provides casing and enclosure systems
manufactured from various materials including pre-formed plywood, by
Alumasc Interior Building Products (AIBP).
Financial Analysis & Control System Page 6
Construction Products designs, manufactures, and distribute Gatic engineered
access covers, linear drainage systems, and ancillary support products, by
Elkington Gatic and Scaffold & Construction Products (SCP).
Housebuilding Products offers a wide range of branded products including