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Faith In Ubik

Essay by   •  March 5, 2011  •  1,096 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,735 Views

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Faith in Ubik

The world that was created by Philip K. Dick in Ubik is without a doubt a complex one, even on the surface. Human interaction is never an easy thing and it has been made even more difficult when some have evolved at left the others behind. Variations in human development have given some superior abilities that allow them to see the minds of other, see future events or even go into the past and change the present. Of course the advancement of some threaten the balance of existence so it is necessary to have people who are capable of canceling out the intrusive powers of some. See, it is complex. But despite all of the complexities two things provide direction throughout the novel: god (whoever is in charge) and money and both will eventually fail you.

The book opens with an ad preaching the usefulness and necessity of Ubik, capitalism from the start. You need Ubik. What is Ubik? It does not matter what Ubik is, all that matters is that you need it and it has been discounted so that you can have it right away. From the beginning we are shown how important money is, either you have it or you are stuck on one side of your insult spewing, threat making door, or at least that is how we find our "hero". Joe Chip has guests, he wants to let them in he just does not have the money for it; he does have fine coffee however, a sign that he does not exactly have his priorities in order, financially speaking. Money has taken over Joe Chip's world, a concept that while completely ridiculous, is not unimaginable. But the knock on his door offers salvation from his economic hell.

One man's salvation is another man's fiery death. It turns out that Joe Chip's job offer is not so great after all. He, along with the other members of his party, is killed in an explosion set up by their competitors. At first they all assume they have survived and it is Glen Runciter who lives on, because, after all, they are going to his funeral. But then they begin to receive clues from him, explaining what has really happened. Then as the communication from the living to the dead intensifies they begin to see money with Runciter's face on it. With this they begin to realize what is going on. Money has become what they use to define their reality, a reality in which they have died and Glen Runciter lives on. The Ubik advertised in the chapter beginnings throughout the novel turns out to be the thing that can save Joe and the others from the degeneration that they are experiencing. It saves them allowing them to maintain themselves in their current state.

All of the Ubik products in the chapter introductions come with a warning that says Ubik is effective and completely safe when used as directed. The Ubik razor allows you to be loved when used as directed. The Ubik adult cereal offers a delicious and nutritious meal but the recommended portion is not to be exceeded at any one meal. Ubik is perfect for you when you do as it says, it will not fail you as long as you follow its directions. So what is Ubik? Why does it come with a warning? This is what Ubik has to say for itself:

I am Ubik. Before the universe was, I am. I made the suns. I made the worlds. I created the lives and the places they inhabit; I move here, I put them there. They go as I say, they



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