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Fake Newspaper Article On Impressionism

Essay by   •  November 19, 2010  •  384 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,720 Views

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Yesterday I took a trip out into the country side with Camille Pissarro, a founder of a revolutionary new art style, impressionism. Impressionist artists just like Camille are escaping from the studios and venturing out into livid and lush environments to paint. As Camille and I walked through pastures and fields he said that, "Precise drawing is dry and hampers the impression of the whole, it destroys all sensations." He also told me that the key to impressionist painting is, "Don't proceed according to rules and principles, but paint what you observe and feel. Paint generously and unhesitatingly, for it is best not to lose the first impression." In an emotional interview with Camille he also said the impressionists are only trying to escape the shackles of the AcadÐ"©mie des beaux-arts, who have told artists which syles and content should be included in paintings. The AcadÐ"©mie puts value in somber and conservative colors. This was seen when in 1863 the AcadÐ"©mie rejected Ð"‰douard Manet's The Luncheon on the Grass to be included in the Salon de Paris because its depicts a nude woman on a lawn with two men. The AcadÐ"©mie said nudes were classical, and The Luncheon on the Grass only tries to show nudity in a common setting and his attempts should be frowned on in the artistic community. The AcadÐ"©mie declined to comment on this situation for the article. In direct releation to this incident the great Emperor Napoleon III decreed that the public should be allowed to judge the works themselves forming the Salon des RefusÐ"©s. Camille Pissaro cites this as the time when Impressionist artists started to define themselves as individuals, and in 1874 the impressionists formed their own exhibition

. Last months feature on the exhibition

in Le Charivari included the critique on The Luncheon on the Grass, by Louis Leroy, "Impression



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