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Fcs Overview

Essay by   •  March 12, 2011  •  1,028 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,124 Views

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Website Review

There are many websites out there that give all kinds of information to any one that wants information. It is up to you to decide what information will be useful to you and what is a bad site. To look the American Association of Family & Consumer Sciences website it is full of information and it is being updated frequently. This is good because you need to be on top of every thing that is going on and this website would be a great way to keep up on then new laws, Certification rules and many other things.

In 1926, Betty lamp was agreed upon with the American Home Economics Association symbol for the association. The lamp name is German words "besser" or "bete," meaning "to make better." The Betty Lamp was used by the American colonists and was a very good light that was used by many people. "The lamp in colonial days provided light for all household industries' is the saying that was issued with the lamp. This was done by Mildred Chamberlain of Chicago. That statement had great similarities with the AAFCS motto.

The duties of the Public Policy is to look at all off the issue that affect the family and consumer programs and see how they assist or help it to make it better. They are located in Washington, D.C. which allows them to have influence with what is going on in the white house. They are able to speak with the congress face to face and at any time. This shows the politicians that they are very involved in the organization and want to make things better for everyone. . There are many topics that they have pushed over the years. Right now on there site they are focusing on Child Care in the 21st Century which deals with making sure that child care can be affordable for the ones that are less fortunate to have money. Another topic is Health and Wellness. This pertains to the health choices that people make in their life and how we as educators can influence them to be healthy. The last issue that they are dealing with is financial literacy. Financial literacy is knowing how to deal with your money and how to prepare for a life time of wise decisions with your money. In today's world this is very important because you need to have a nice nest egg when you retire so you do not have to scrape around to make ends meet. This is also good to teach at a young age.

The website also talks about ethics and how they play a big part with the success of the organization. The Code of ethics are used as a guideline to the members of the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences by knowing how to conduct your self with your clients and other professionals. The code of ethics are as listed below as listed on the AAFCS website:

* Maintain the highest responsible standard of professional performance, upholding confidentiality and acting with intelligence, commitment, and enthusiasm.

* Fulfill the obligation to continually upgrade and broaden personal professional competence.

* Share professional competence with colleagues and clients, to enlarge and continue development of the profession.

* Support the objectives of the American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences and contribute to its development through informed, active participation in its programs.

* Advance public awareness and understanding of the profession.

* Maintain a dedication of enhancing individual and family potential as a focus for professional efforts. (

With in the field of FCS there are many different leadership roles thorough out different districts,



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