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Federalist Vs. Anti-Federalist

Essay by   •  June 7, 2011  •  1,201 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,905 Views

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Fellow Americans, currently America is faced with a unique situation; we are faced with the task of creating a system of government. This is no small task as it will affect many generations to come. At this time our governing document is the Articles of the Confederation; though there is definite need for improvement, some would recommend that a whole new document needs drafting. Federalist, as they call themselves, argue that this new document, the Constitution, will correct the defects of the Articles and create union among the states, while not restricting any individual or state's rights.

Fresh from succeeding from a monarchy, Americans need to be weary of creating another dominating government. America was founded and formed to create freedom and independence; the Constitution the Federalist speak of is going to be used as merely a tool in which wealthy land owners will be able to rule poor. By electing whom ever they choose to govern, the poor will loose their voice.

Colonists have been betrayed, abandoned, and persecuted, and we cannot allow that to continue. Because judicial power is certainly being abused by self-forming Federalists, colonists have felt the brunt of their mistakes. We fear that the actual human population will not be fairly represented by their new government since they would have the power to get rid of the individual rights of the people. By creating a "Bill of Rights," it is written by the people, for the people, as well as helping to restrain the power of the government. Unfortunately for them, Federalists do not have the confidence in the people of this country, but we see them as our future. The American people have shown the perseverance and determination that has made this lad great.

Because our country is certain to grow with time, it does not ensure everyone's opinion will be heard. Many people do not like the idea of having representatives from each state because one man cannot bring forth many different opinions. We believe that liberty only is present when there are few people and they can actually get their voice projected. In a large population like America, the citizens do not get individual freedom and are deprived of their rights, by giving America a new document of rights, it ensures their security as well as safety.

We want to create a country where the people's voice will be heard without the threat of tyranny and most importantly, where the future of our people will be secured.

Fellow Americans, we ask you to remember where it is that we as Americans have come from and the trials that we have faced already as a young nation. If you will recall, prior to the Revolutionary War, we suffered from the wrath of a strong centralized government. Some of us whom had sought religious freedom and had originally traveled to America to explore, establish and expand our colonies and increase economic growth have been hindered by the strong centralized government of Great Britain in the past.

Please do not forget that following the French and Indian War from 1753- 1763, Great Britain began imposing new taxation laws on our colonies in order to recoup some of the debt they had acquired during the war (MultiEducator Inc, 2000, 1764-British Impose New Taxes) Remember how unhappy we were about the fact that the laws were being put into place and we had no say or representation in the government decisions.

Then in 1763 the British imposed the Proclamation of 1763 that prohibited us from expanding our colonies west of the Appalachian Mountains. The Proclamation of 1763 was the first of many governmental decisions that fueled our angered against the British government. Fellow Americans please recall when the British imposed "The Sugar Act" of 1764, "The Quartering Act" and "The Townshend Act" (MultiEducator Inc, 2000). How soon we forget the fury we felt that the British government was not only requiring the us to house and feed the British troops (Quartering Act) but was also that they were taxing us on imported items such as "lead, paint, paper, glass and tea"(MultiEducator Inc, 1767 - Townshend Acts Imposed).




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