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Fina 5170 Financial Management

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Finance 5170

Financial Management

On Line 8 WK Class

Sections 080, 086

Fall, 2015

Instructor: Dr. Michael Impson

Office: BLB 358K

Phone: Office with voice mail: (940) 565-3055 FAX: (940) 565-4234

Primary E-Mail:

Mailing Address: UNT; COBA/FIREL; Denton, TX 76203-3677

Office Hours: By appointment only.

Text: Principles of Corporate Finance, by Brealey, Myers, and Allen, 11th edition, published by

McGraw Hill. If you purchase the McGraw Hill Connect Plus software it comes with the ebook

which is all that I require.


The Blackboard website is your primary interface with the course. Access to the course

instructions and class materials will be via Blackboard. McGraw Hill Connect Finance is

integrated into Blackboard so you will have seamless access to the McGraw Hill materials

through Blackboard. Please note that Blackboard will be unavailable from 11:00 pm Saturdays

until 2:00 am Sundays when the scheduled weekly maintenance takes place.

McGraw Hill Connect Finance

The course materials are in general a system tied to the textbook and intended to support the

course and chapter learning objectives, so you must have a copy of the current textbook to be

able to complete most of the class assignments. You will need the ebook in order to use the

guided instruction self study features of the system. Also note that the chapter quizzes are open

book, open notes, so having access to the ebook and its search feature is very useful if you are

having difficulty answering a quiz question. If you prefer, paper copy versions of the textbook

are available in the UNT bookstore and various on line sites. If you want it only for reference,

any recent edition is probably ok. Note that you will need to buy an access code and register with

McGraw Hill in order to access the McGraw Hill course materials like the chapter quizzes in

Blackboard. Access codes are available for purchase on the course Blackboard website and at the

UNT bookstore. There are instructions on the course website about purchasing the access code

there. See Instructions for Using McGraw Hill Connect with Blackboard under the Start Here

tab on the course Blackboard website. Note that one of your options is to select a free trial for 21

days in case you think that you might drop the course or if you want to check out the ebook.

Course Objective

This course examines the problems and decisions faced by the firm’s financial manager.

Fundamental concepts of time value of money and risk and return are considered and useful

valuation models are explained and used. A framework for making investment and financing

decisions is constructed. You should leave the course with a firm grasp of these concepts that

will serve as a base for further study in the MBA program.


Detailed Course Objectives:

After completing the course, students should have the following skills and knowledge.

1. Students can describe the role and duties of the financial manager in the firm.

2. Students can apply time value of money concepts in solving financial problems.

3. Students can apply models to value bonds and stocks.

4. Students can describe the relationship between risk and return and can apply

models of return and risk in analyzing investment decisions.

5. Students can apply discounted cash flow (capital budgeting) techniques in making investment


6. Students can estimate the firm’s cost of capital.

7. Students can distinguish between theoretical and real world models of capital structure.

8. Students can distinguish between theoretical and real world models of payout policy.

Course Prerequisites

ACCT 5020 or equivalent

FINA 5040 or equivalent

ECON 5000 or equivalent

MATH 1190 or equivalent

BCIS 5090 or equivalent

DSCI 5180 or equivalent

Technical Skills

Fluency in English, basic spreadsheet and word processing skills are assumed. Basic reportwriting

skills, grammar, organization, referencing, etc. are assumed. Ability to use online search

engines is assumed. You should be able to read and interpret financial statements.

Wall Street Journal

The WSJ is an excellent source of current information related to investments. Every student in a

COB masters program in finance gets electronic access to the WSJ.

Absences for Important Personal Events: If you expect to miss class assignments because of

an important personal event: wedding, graduation, birth of a child, etc., please inform



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