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Fiv Feline Aids

Essay by   •  October 28, 2010  •  1,505 Words (7 Pages)  •  1,609 Views

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Feline Immunodeficiency Virus

Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) is one of the top five killers of domestic cats in the U.S. In fact 3% of healthy cats were reported to have contracted the disease in the year 1999. FIV is a fatal disease and interestingly enough most FIV cats don't die of the disease it self by by other infections caused by their lowed immune system. FIV causes a deficiency in the immune system and makes cats very susceptible to a huge variety of medical problems basically because they have no fighting power.

Case Report:

Signalment- " Bella" Smith; 4 year old S/F DMH

Chief Complaint- not eating, diarrhea, sudden unfriendliness

History- Owner says Bella has been acting unfriendly for about two weeks (e.g. wont let owner pet or hold her anymore, also she hides under the bed constantly) owner also says Bella's appetite has gone very low, she used to feed her one cup of dry every morning and one half a can of wet food at night and now she wont eat 'hardly any of either'. Owner has seen diarrhea in litter box for 3 days. Bella had her kitten shots and boosters but no Hx of fiv/felv testing, deforming, fecal or blood analysis.


S... qar; mm=pink; poor coat w/ matted sections

O...t=103.6, p=44, r=48, CRT=> 4 sec., *** FIV/FeLV test positive (+) for FIV.

A... Bella is FIV+

P...* FIV tested +; *hospitalization for observation; *200 ml Normasol fluids SQ then *iv fluids @150ml/hr, 3 ml vit B complex added; urinalysis to be performed in a.m. after completion of fluid therapy.

"Feline Retro Virus Testing and Management"

Compendium magazine July 2001

This article explains how to test for and care for FIV. The only way to prevent your cat from contracting FIV is by preventing contact with FIV infected cats.

FIV testing is the best thing to do whenever your cat gets sick, no matter if they have tested negative for the disease before. Cats of all ages should be tested because it is so hard to know if your cat has come in contact with infected cats. "Infected cats may remain symptomatic for years during which time they may serve as unapparent sources of infection to other cats in the household"(Mary Tompkins, DVM, PhD). Basically if you have a cat, or cats, and u want to get another it is in the best interests of you and each one of the cats to be tested for FIV to ensure their heath and safety.

The tests that are available to sense FIV detect antibodies directed against the virus. It usually takes 60 days after a cat is infected for a cat to develop these antibodies to test positive. The ELISA snap test is the most frequently used and preferred test on the market because of its speed and accuracy.

Unfortunately there is no "cure" or treatment available for FIV. FIV -infected cats often live long lives and usually die of other infections caused by their lowed immune system. The disease causes the cats' immune system to deteriorate so they are very susceptible to a huge number of secondary infections. Some examples include FeLV, chronic parasitism, incontinence, cryptococcosis, seizures, and many more.

It is relatively simple to manage an infected cat; keep confined to indoors. It is also important to have regular check ups at least once a year but twice a year would be best. In addition, good nutrition and a well balanced diet are essential to keep any cat healthy.


Composed by the American Association of Feline Practitioners

"Virologists classify feline immunodeficiency virus (fiv) as a lentivirus, or a 'slow' virus." FIV- infected cats are found world wide, but the commonness of infection is what varies. In the United States, about 1.5 to 3 percent of healthy cats are infected with FIV. Because bite wounds are the most effective means of infection, feral (stray) aggressive, male cats are the most frequently infected, at the same time as indoor only cats are much less likely to be infected. On rare occasions infected queens can pass the disease on to her kittens through placenta and/ or her milk. Although FIV is a lentivirus similar to HIV (the human immunodeficiency virus) and causes a disease in cats similar to AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) in humans, it is a highly species-specific virus that infects only felines.

Although infected cats can appear healthy for years the disease eventually leads to a state of immune deficiency that stops the cats ability to protect its self against other infections. Common signs of FIV can include some or all of the following: poor coat condition and persistent fever with a loss of appetite; gingivitis, stomatitis, and chronic infections of the skin, urinary bladder, and upper respiratory tract; persistent diarrhea; eye problems; weight loss.

Unfortunately, many FIV-infected cats are not diagnosed until after they have lived for years with other cats. In such cases, all the other cats in the household should be tested, as well. Ideally, all infected cats should be separated from the noninfected ones to eliminate the potential for FIV transmission. If this is not possible-and if fighting or rough play is not taking place-the risk to the non-infected cats appears to be low.

How should FIV-infected cats be managed?***

FIV-infected cats should be confined indoors to prevent spread of FIV infection to other cats in the neighborhood and to reduce their exposure to infectious agents carried by other animals.

FIV-infected cats should be spayed or neutered.




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