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Essay by   •  April 13, 2011  •  1,902 Words (8 Pages)  •  2,753 Views

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The movie "Fletch", staring Chevy Chase, is a movie about an investigating reporter for a Los Angeles newspaper, Erwin Fletcher "Fletch", loitering around a beach in attempt to pass as a beach junkie with the intention of getting to the bottom of the drug trade and attempting to figure out who is behind the whole thing. While "working" the beaches, Fletch runs into a businessman who asks him to murder him so his wife will inherit the life insurance policy. Fletch, being the investigative reporter senses something fishy and does what he does best, investigates the situation. Along the way, Fletch commits many illegal acts and crimes in attempt to get to the bottom of the situation. Although his intentions are good, Fletch gets into a lot of trouble.

At the very beginning of the movie Fletch, Alan Stanwyck approaches "Fletch" and asks him to join him in a meeting to offer him a proposition. After accepting $1,000 dollars cash just to listen to Stanwycks proposition, Fletch meets with him at Stanwycks house. Stanwyck explains to Fletch that he wants him to murder Stanwyck in his own house. Stanwyck details that he is dying from bone cancer and does not want to suffer through the pain any longer. He says he can not commit suicide because his life insurance policy would be null and void. Fletch accepts the proposition, agreeing to murder Stanwyck in exchange for $50,000 and a safe way out of the country.

There are a couple things I found in this scene that show Fletch committing multiple crimes. The most obvious crime committed was Criminal Conspiracy to commit murder. According to Section 5.03 of the Model Penal Code, one is guilty of criminal conspiracy if he/she agrees with another person that one or more of them will engage in conduct that constitutes such crime or an attempt or solicitation to commit such crime. In other words, criminal conspiracy is an agreement between two persons to commit an unlawful act or to use unlawful means to accomplish an act that is not unlawful. In this particular situation, by Fletch and Stanwyck making an agreement for Fletch to murder Stanwyck, they are agreeing to commit an unlawful act.

The only hanger on the books regarding criminal conspiracy in this situation is required intent. It is not known at this point of the movie weather Fletch has the actual intent to murder Stanwyck, at the same time at this point of the movie also believe Stanwyck has the intent to go through with such a crime. As we move on in the movie, we realize that charging both with criminal conspiracy might not be realistic simply because the required intent is lacking. Although at the time it appears criminal conspiracy to commit murder is obvious, as the movie goes on we learn that there can not be conspiracy charges filed here.

One of the most obvious scenes in which Fletch commits a criminal act, is when he orders drinks on Mr. Underhill's tab. In this scene, Fletch is walking around a country club, in which he in not a member of trying to find Mrs. Stanwyck, in order to gather more information. While walking through, Fletch overhears a waiter being yelled at and hears the waiter call the customer Mr. Underhill. Fletch remembers this name and when another waiter approaches Fletch to get his drink order, he puts the drinks on Mr. Underhill's bill. Fletch actually does this in multiple scenes, including when he orders caviar, lobster and two bottles of Dom Perignon for lunch.

When first watching this movie I thought it was funny that he could get away with this, but never realized how big of a crime Fletch was actually committing. According to Section 223.0 of the Model Penal Code, theft is described as the withholding of property of another for an extended period of time, making it unlikely the owner will recover it. In this scenario, Fletch knowingly takes both food and drink from Mr. Underhill, without intent of paying it back or giving it to Mr. Underhill. Since the total amount stolen exceeds $500.00 this theft would be a felony in the third degree. Another crime I think Fletch committed here would be credit fraud. Although Fletch did not actually steal a credit card and charge things to it, he did fraudulently use Mr. Underhill's credit at the club to get food and drinks for himself.

I think proving theft in this case against Fletch would not be so hard to prove in the Court of Law simply because there is so much evidence and the crime follows the books exactly. On the other hand, proving credit fraud might be a little tougher to successfully charge Fletch with. Since Fletch did not actually use a credit device, which by my knowledge is the only way to get in trouble for credit fraud, it might be easier for the defense to get around. Either way, Fletch did commit multiple crimes in this scene, which could be punishable by jail time.

Around the middle of the movie, police officers come to the beach to "arrest" the black man in the movie, another drifter on the beach. In attempt to find out more, Fletch goes to the scene of the arrest and tries to stop the police from beating this man. Although the police officers were using excessive force, Fletch has no right to interfere with an arrest by a law enforcement officer. According to the law regarding Obstructing Justice, one is guilty of obstruction of justice is he/she unlawfully attempts to interfere with the administration of courts, the judicial system, or law enforcement officers. In this particular case, Fletch interferes with a law enforcement officers attempt to make an arrest by trying to set the arrestee free and throws a rock at the police officers car, shattering the window in attempt to bring them back to the scene.

Although the police officers had committed a crime themselves, by using unnecessary force during the arrest, Fletch could have still been arrested for obstruction of justice. He could have also been held on charges of destruction of government property, by throwing a rock at the police cars window, breaking the back windshield in the process. In the courts, I personally do not think Fletch would be successfully charged with Obstruction of Justice, due to the fact that the defense could argue no justice was being served, therefore no obstruction could have been committed. As for damaging property, Fletch would probably be found guilty of such crime.

After Fletch finds out whom Alan Stanwyck's realtor is, he is destined to get inside to take a look at Stanwyck's file. In order to do so, Fletch had to yet again, commit multiple crimes. To get inside, Fletch



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