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Forensic Science

Essay by   •  November 6, 2010  •  645 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,405 Views

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Search Pattern:

In order to find seek out evidence and collect it in an organized manner my team and I used the line or strip method. This method was most practical because of the small the crime scene, each member was able to take over an area and successfully obtain all evidence.

Search Process: Line/Strip Method

1. Alina, Lauren and Mike lined up shoulder to shoulder and each covered an area with the width of a foot.

2. Alina was closest to the cabinets where the bloody fingerprints, white substance and plastic bags were scattered.

3. Lauren had the area where the body, blood, white substance and footprints were present on the floor.

4. Mike had the very edge of the crime scene where the note and footprints leading out the door were present.

Crime Scene

Description of Evidence: Collection Package: Safety Considerations:

1. Eleven plastic bags

a. All bags were opened

b. Three out of eleven had a substantial amount of an unknown white substance that will be later classified after lab reports come in.

c. All bags seemed to have the unknown white substance in them at one point.

d. Four of the bags had blood covering the edges and bloody fingerprints, which have been sent into the lab to get tested for the rightful owner.

e. All bags were placed in a separate container to prevent mishandling of evidence.

2. Electric Measuring Scale

a. Unknown white substance covered all over the top

b. Whole scale sent into the lab to get tested for fingerprints

c. Scale was placed in a cardboard box with cushions to prevent damage and loss of white substance.

3. Fingerprints

* All fingerprints were powdered and copied on to white paper then sent to the lab in individual Manila folders. * After reports come in, perpetrator will be identified. * Alina processed the fingerprints and to prevent her fingerprints from showing up, she wore special white gloves that prevented smearing of fingerprints and destruction of evidence.

a. Counter Top

i. Bloody fingerprints on the scale, Zip-Lock bags and along the edge of the counter.

b. Sink and Faucets

i. Bloody fingerprints were examined and photographed off of the "Hot" and "Cold" faucets

c. Paper Towel Dispenser

i. Bloody fingerprints were take n from the knobs and actual dispenser.

d. Probable Weapon--Metal Scooper

i. Bloody fingerprints were sent into lab to identify the user

e. Probable Weapon--Black Cord

i. Bloody fingerprints were sent into lab to identify the user

4. Yellow Post-It Note

a. Handwriting analyzer and fingerprint reports will determine whose handwriting matches the note's handwriting and fingerprints the closest.

i. Hand



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