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Freed But Not Liked

Essay by   •  March 4, 2011  •  631 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,286 Views

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While examining the documents, "Commencement of The Liberator" and "Satirizing Free Blacks," I realized that both went together hand-in-hand. The main idea that was somewhat unclear was that in the first reading William Lloyd Garrison was writing to abolish slavery in the United States, while in the second reading by Edward C. Clay, he stated that slavery was already abolished but people were criticizing the freed slaves. This was indistinguishable was because the illustration by Clay, "Miss Chloe," was drawn two years before Garrison's article was published. With that in mind the abolishment of slavery and acceptance of free blacks will later be discussed.

The first document, "Commencement of The Liberator," written by William Garrison was a final stand towards the immediate abolishment of slavery in America. In order to do this, it was necessary for Garrison to create such a place where he could put his words to be heard. Therefore, in 1830 he launched the Boston Liberator to express his views on slavery. In the first issue of The Liberator published on January 1, 1831 his document "Commencement of The Liberator" was placed for all of America to see. He stated that gradual abolishment was not satisfactory and it needed to happen immediately. His reason for believing such things was he believed poor slaves lived in conditions that were nothing other than injustice and absurd. In regards to his beliefs his writing showed how truly sincere his demands were. For example when he stated that he would not keep the issue quite but rather "Ð' as harsh as the truth, and as uncompromising as justice." Also following that excerpt he responded with a more demanding statement saying,

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"I will not equivocate- I will not excuse- I will not retreat a single inch, AND I WILL BE HEARD." After examining these extract from his writing it is apparent that William Garrison strongly believed in the abolishment of slavery and would continue to fight until his beliefs were made into a reality.

In the second document or illustration to be more precise by Edward Clay entitled "Miss



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