Essay by 24 • May 7, 2011 • 3,037 Words (13 Pages) • 1,277 Views
Peetsma, T., Vergeer, M., Roeleveld, J., & Karsten, S. (2001). Inclusion in Education: comparing pupils' development in special and regular education. Educational Review, 53, 125-135. March 14, 2007
Longitudinal data on the differences of children's cognitive and psychosocial development in a variety of special and mainstream schools are reported in this article. The study focuses on comparing the development of children in mainstream and special education classrooms. Originally segregation of children with special needs was stemmed from the ideas that the children's cognitive needs would be better met in small classrooms with teachers specially trained. It was believed special education classes would help a child's psychosocial development and increase their self- confidence. As the number of students in special education began to increase the idea of segregation became a concern. The argument was that children with relatively minor educational problems should be taught in the mainstream setting. Based on reviews of analyses special needs students who are educated in regular classrooms do better academically and socially than the student solely in special education classrooms. The report indicates positive effects on academic, behavioral, and social outcomes of students with disabilities when integrated in a classroom. However, a small percent of special needs students have more success in a special education class, and for those students special education may be a better solution. One could conclude that children in special education would not be negatively affected after inclusion in a regular educational classroom, but instead would probably make more progress academically. Studies of regular and special education demonstrate that children who are in special education classrooms perform at a lower level of cognitive task and function less psychosocially.
Udvari- Solner, A (1996). Theoretical indulences on the establishment of inclusive practices. Cambridge Journal of Education, 26. 101-119. March 14,2007
The study was designed to examine the strategies used by teachers to include students with disabilities in elementary general education classrooms. Schools across the country are establishing a mainstream to include students with significant intellectual, emotional and physical disabilities. The goal of inclusive education is to bring all students, including those with special needs, together in their school community. Inclusive practices have become a new paradigm of thought in the educational system. The United States Department of Education has funded a study to examine effective strategies for including students with disabilities in general education classrooms. The study focused on two main questions: what elements of classroom culture and teacher behavior make a classroom inclusive, and what factors appear to influence a teacher's ability to instruct a diverse group of learners. Through observations among selected classrooms constructivist, Vygotskian and multiple intelligence theories were identified as critical constructs influencing the instruction in the classroom. The research consists of five classroom observations along with interviews with each teacher. The classroom teachers all appeared to have an understanding with the idea that the curriculum, instruction, environment and materials may need to differ for any child. Each teacher believed he/she had a personal responsibility to get to know the child as a learner, meet the student at his/her level of understanding and mold and shape learning experiences with that knowledge. With this idea each of the five teachers demonstrated adaptation within their classrooms. The basic nature of multiple intelligence, constructivist or Vygotskian orientations is for educators to see the differences in learning styles and promote a differentiated curriculum for all students. Teachers may examine actions of students and seek applications of skills within a learning content. When a teacher is able to become aware of the students strongest modalities and use those strengths as vehicles to promote the acquisition of skills in less developed areas of performance, he/she is making the learning environment more flexible and adaptable for all students. This study offers insight into theoretical approaches that may have positive impact on teachers' efforts to establish inclusive classrooms.
Ochs, E., Kremer-Sadlik, T., Solomon, O., & Sirota, K. (2001). Inclusion as social practice: views of children with autism. Social Development, 10(3). 399-419.
Inclusion is a federal policy which promotes integration of children with disabilities into general educational settings. This study focuses on the effect of inclusion on social interaction and development in highly functioning Autistic students. Contact with typical peers is thought to be a crucial point in assisting children with autism to develop social and communication skills. However, classmates tend to have a lack of knowledge on the behaviors of the child in the classroom, and therefore may have a hard time interacting with the child out of fear. The study analyses two kinds of inclusion: positive inclusion and negative inclusion. The difference between positive and negative inclusion is based on the actions displayed by other students towards the child with special needs. Negative inclusion is when the other children fail to attempt to include the child in an activity. Negative inclusion is most likely to take place in an unmonitored situation where the teacher may not be present, such as the playground. Positive inclusion is when the children include the child with special needs regardless of the outcome. Using observations and recordings of the classroom and playground activities, the analysis shows how classmates display a range of positive and negative inclusion that either integrate or seclude the child with special needs. The observations showed that the students in the classroom who were more informed of the students behaviors and disabilities were more likely to socially integrate the child in activities. Not only is the integration in the classroom important to the child's social development, but also the knowledge of his/her peers.
Salend, S., &Duhaney, L. (1999). The impact of inclusion on students with and without disabilities and their educators. Remedial and Special Education, 20(2). 114-126
The movement toward inclusion has illuminated an emphasis on educating students with disabilities in general education classrooms. Seventy three percent of students with disabilities receive their education in general education settings. The study focuses the effect of mainstreaming on special education students. It is suggested that the placement in inclusive classrooms led to academic gains, including