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Essay by   •  December 18, 2010  •  828 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,097 Views

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Gang Violence

I. Introduction

A. NJ state governor, Corzine, "crime initiative"

1. $48 to get handle of partial elimination of murders due to gang violence

B. Uniform Crime Report of 2006

1. Annual crime report distributed by the FBI

2. Details crime and arrest reports from police departments

3. Gang activity is seen in suburbs as well as traditional urban areas.

C. Gangs have been a product of urban areas for close to 100

1. Now expanding in their territories, standings and actions

D. Road Map

1. History of gangs

2. Gangs now

3. Weapons in gangs

II. Gangs are not new

A. Gangs are not new

1. Traditionally divided along ethnic lines

2. "Gangs of New York" good example of old gangs

B. Gangs had a resurgence in 1960's and 70's

1. Due to general distrust of authority and government

2. "Bloods" and "Cripps" arose at this time

C. Concerns

1. Territorial

III. Gangs now

A. Formed more by race

1. Also recruit people according to what they do/stand for

2. As young as 8 and old 55

a. First hear about gangs at 8

b. Get involved in violence around 10-11

c. Join first gang at 12

d. By 13 most shot a gun, seen someone be killed/seriously injured, arrested and tattooed

B. Very involved in drug trafficking

C. Violence has multiplied

D. Lucrative business

1. More to protect than just territory

F. Much more organized

1. Nation wide

2. Much like organized crime

3. Almost like dealing with the mafia

4. Gang can still carry on even if leader has been capture, killed, etc

IV. Weapons in gangs

A. Guns

1. Gangs use to use chains and knives

2. Guns are more readily available

a. Automated weapons like AK-47 and Uzis

B. Guns make people feel strong

1. Kids bring guns to school after feeling picked on or abused




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