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Essay by   •  December 20, 2010  •  362 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,112 Views

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What is a gang? A gang is a group of people that

organized for a purposed. A gang could have a lot

of differents indivituals. Gangs are made up by

largely of young males, from thirteen to twenty

five years of age. The gang subcultural is a

response to the pressures of street life and serves

to give certain barrio youth a source of familial

support, goals, and directives, and sanctions and

guides. Although gangmembers typically constitute a

small minority of the young in a barrio, they

represent a street style that both conforms and

contrast with familiar youths patterns (Vigil 2).

Furtheremore A gang also distinctive a different

style of clothes, they have their own street names,

their own language, symbols and signs. Also a gang

commmits criminals acts to best describe them such

as killing innocent people, by standards, rival

gangs, and they drive around and do drive bys to

other house hold, gangmembers can be male

or female but there mostly males on a gang.

There are several kind of race on a gang

such as the white people they have skin head,

hell's angel, and ku klux klan in the south. The

black people have two notorious gangs that formed

for protection from different gangs the name of

their gangs are the Bloods, and the Crips.

Hispanics have their own gang



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