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Gap Analysis: Global Communications

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Gap Analysis: Global Communications

Cheryl Dixon

University of Phoenix

Gap Analysis: Global Communications

Three years ago Global Communications’ stock was traded at $28 per share and now is traded for $11. Competition in communications is of great concern and only the companies who have the newest services at the lowest prices will survive. GC has a senior team who has come up with a plan in which the company will layoff many employees, move their call center to India and Ireland and hire 1000 new sales staff. This was a decision made without consulting with the Union representing the employees. The news has leaked out to the press and people have found out that the company which is known to have the best interest of the employees in mind are now doing what will be viewed as a direct violation of what the company stands for. They employ loyal and committed people who are facing the prospect of taking a 15% pay cut if they are lucky enough to retain their jobs. They have already accepted cuts in education and healthcare in order to help cut costs and now with this news management knows they will be facing an angry crowd once told.

Situation Analysis

Issue and Opportunity Identification

With increasing competition from local phone companies and cable broadband Global Communications has experienced loss of stock value and they must do something about this. Issues facing Global Communications are that the company is facing executing drastic measures of layoffs and closing stateside call centers if the recommendations of their senior management team are implemented. If the company wants to stay competitive in the phone service industry they will need to employ some new strategy. They have the opportunity of adding a multitude of new services to their customers by entering into an agreement with a satellite company. The can expand their small business and consumer services and grow the global business as well if they will take advantage of these opportunities by applying some critical thinking in order to make realistic decisions that will be agreeable to all stakeholders. In using the 9-step model and involving the employees and the union everyone will be happy to work hard and employ a new set of values to the company that are shared by all.

Stakeholder Perspectives/Ethical Dilemmas

Ethical dilemmas identified are the values of the company to make money versus the employees values of working hard and keeping their jobs. Cutting costs is in the best interest of the company wherever they see fit. They believe it would be best for them to move their call center to Ireland and India because labor is so inexpensive there. The values that the employees have of keeping jobs in the USA conflict with the value that the company has of staying in business if it means cutting costs. And cutting costs right now includes downsizing.

End-State Vision

The goal of Global Communications is to become a global source of phone service. This includes cutting costs while realizing growth. Within six months Global Communications will experience growth by diversifying the company services using new technology and a satellite to increase and add to current services.

Gap Analysis

Global Communications has many things to think about before they can make a decision to move forward with the solution their senior management team has come up with. In order for positive change to happen they need to reconsider some key issue. One change that needs to be made is the way the company is communicating with employees and the Union. The Union rep is not looking good in the eyes of the people she represents.

The company should step back and retract what has been leaked to the press. They can then use a model for decision making that will require critical thinking. The suggested model is the 9-step model of decision making. The company will also need to involve the employees and inform them of impending changes and ask for input. All stakeholders involved should come out with a positive reaction when allowed to be involved in the ideas and ultimately growth, which in turn should translate to profit, which will lead to higher wages and benefits


If GC is to become the world leader in communications services it must follow the suggestions given. They need to form a task force to start investigating options. Getting into writing the agreement and services offered by the satellite service provider are at the top of the list. The task force needs to appoint a project leader who will provide timely results as time is money. But they also need to remember adage “haste makes waste” and should implement the 9-step model of decision making in order to make the best decision. It will take some critical thinking to come up with creative and innovative solutions in order to regain market share and realize their goals.


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Table 1

Issue and Opportunity Identification

Issue Opportunity Reference to Specific



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