Essay by 24 • May 20, 2011 • 761 Words (4 Pages) • 1,079 Views
The Fitzgerald women are essentially cold people because from reading the novel you realize how much they only think of themselves and how cold hearted they are. Daisy Buchanan, Jordan Baker and Myrtle Wilson all have a very important part in this novel that makes you realize everyone does something wrong.
Daisy Buchanan was married to man who was very wealthy by the name of Tom Buchanan. Although their relationship seemed perfect but somewhat incomplete there were many things in the relationship that didn't go quite swell. Daisy Buchanan was a young woman in Louisville before the war. Daisy had many men chasing after her, considering she was rich and beautiful but she was also fickle, shallow, bored, and sardonic. One man who loved her was Gatsby. He went away to war and Daisy told him she would wait for him. In the meantime she ended up getting married to Tom and later on her and Gatsby reunited again. Daisy then ended up having an affair with Gatsby but little did Daisy know Tom (her husband) is having an affair with Myrtle Wilson. Tom tries to sell Myrtle's husband (George Wilson) a car who is really owned by Gatsby. George doesn't end up getting the car but Myrtle sees it and thinks that because it's the exact same car that Tom was driving it must be him and jumps in front of it. The night of Myrtles death her and George got into an argument and she storms out the door and since she seen the car coming down the road that she last seen Tom driving in she figured that he will stop when he recognizes her but it's really Daisy driving it and Gatsby is in the passenger seat. Daisy is then responsible for hitting Myrtle but the story is turned around and Tom Buchanan covers for Daisy by making up a lie and telling George Wilson that it's actually Gatsby's car so he ends up shooting Gatsby then himself. This shows that Daisy is very cold person and only thinks about herself and only cares about getting out of the trouble she got herself into. Instead of solving things she just makes them worse. She also doesn't even show up for Gatsby's funeral.
Jordan Baker is Daisy's friend who falls in love with Nick Carraway (The narrator). Jordan is a golfer who cheats in her first tournament of golf and continually bends the truth. She also is very dishonest and she has a lack of consideration for people. In the novel it states on the night before Daisy's wedding Daisy was drunk as a monkey and Jordan placed her in a cold bathtub with the note that Gatsby wrote