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Essay by   •  April 8, 2011  •  524 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,311 Views

Essay Preview: Gattaca

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Gattaca is a film about conquering the human gene via genetic manipulation and how this technology cannot eradicate the problems with human nature. This assumes that to manipulate human genetics is justifiable and that human nature is a flaw. This film is about human nature triumphing over a society in which perfect DNA is the only measure of success.

There are many examples of scientific advances in Gattaca. The main advance is genetic engineering and the ability to extract potential diseases of 'faults' from a persons DNA, and the ability to conduct DNA testing within seconds rather than the weeks that it currently takes. Other advances include using solar power as the main energy source, electric cars and regular, frequent space travel. Science has been able to eliminate physical imperfections but even the strict and harsh environment of Gattaca cannot remove or limit human emotions and frailties.

This film shows that while technology can eradicate many physical imperfections it is actually Gattaca itself which forces people to resort to 'flawed' behaviour. The first scene in which we see Gattaca we see expressionless, robotic workers, uniform in manner and dress. Although there is no dialogue here we are aware the

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Eugene is a man taking a course of action, which while painful, is the only real and viable option for a man in his position, living in a society where only perfection is acceptable. " If society did not have "discrimination down to a science" Vincent would not have to resort to these measures. Eugene is crippled due to a botched suicide attempt "you know I wasn't drunk, when I stepped out in front of that car". He says to Jerome "If I'm going to get arrested tomorrow, I'm going out tonight" shows extreme courage as does the way he calmly gives urine and blood samples knowing that if something goes



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