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Gender Roles

Essay by   •  March 16, 2018  •  Essay  •  378 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,038 Views

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Gender Roles

Since childhood, children have developed clearly defined ideas of what is the appropriate behavior for men and women. How people think and behave as females and males is not Permanently fixed by biology but rather is a result of how society expects people to think and behave based on what sex people are. As children grow up, their knowledge on gender and judgments generally increase, they learn these expectations as they develop gender identity, or beliefs about females or males.

Traditional description of woman is gentle, sensitive, nurturing, delicate, decorative, dependent, emotional, and weak. What we traditionally mean by men is strong, brave, active, independent, insensitive, unemotional, and aggressive. These traits might sound like stereotypes of females and males today, and to some extent they are, but differences between women and men do in fact exist.

 For example: -  once a woman is married, the wife must abide the orders of her husband, and must honor her father-in-law and mother-in-law more than her own parents and perform any task asked for them. But in today’s time women don’t have limits placed on their feelings. Women have equal rights in a relationship as a man.


females who are promiscuous, males who are stay-at-home dads, same-sex relationships this statement have different kind of impacts on society. For example, as a mom whose husband stayed home with children, people assume that dads would only stay home if there were an economic reason- as if no family would want a man caring for the children by choice. Also, the society thinks that women earning large incomes can afford a stay-at-home dad, but that does not because women with large incomes can afford a nanny.  People still cannot acknowledge what must just seem simply true in many families today: dads can enjoy and be great at taking care of children during the day. Society still hold this “ideal family” image with a career father and a stay-at-home mother for gay couples it is much more efficient to divide paid-work and housework/caregiving work between spouses. As each person specialized in their own department. gender in that case plays no role so it should be the same for heterosexual and gay couples. That is why values and norms in society change slowly.



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