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Essay by   •  March 22, 2011  •  758 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,088 Views

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It is a fact that men and women differ in so many aspects of their lives and more so how they act. The ways in which they act differs whether they are in their element at home, the workplace, school, or just about anywhere else one can think of. Furthermore, not only do grown men and women differ but as do girls and boys. Gender differences begin at birth and tend to influentially form at a very young age.

These differences begin to flourish typically when young boys and girls first attend school. The article "Girls' and Boys' Popularity" truly highlights the differences in how young boys and young girls act, and how they should stereotypically act in order to be labeled as popular. Popular boys tend to be athletically stimulated, "cool" in the way that they carry themselves, tough, have social skills, and be placed somewhere in the median on their intelligence levels. Boys on extreme ends of the intelligence levels are the ones who suffer in the popularity department. Typically, a popular boy should not be very intelligent nor should he be very unintelligent; popular boys are found right in the median. All of these things are seen as the social stereotype for a boy in school to be popular.

Girls on the other hand have some differing qualities that make them popular. A thing such as family background, how rich you are, is of some importance to be socially popular. Other elements of a girl's popularity includes physical appearance, being precocious, being apart of an exclusive elite group, and being intelligent. Girls tend to care more about the delicate aspects of life and being smart is not frowned upon. Generally, girls and boys differ drastically in what culture has laid out in how girls and boys should act in order to be popular. Even though this generally focuses on how girls and boys need to act in order to be popular, it can also be applied to men and women in many aspects. Furthermore, not only do men and women different in many popularity aspects but they also different in how they converse.

Men and women communicate with themselves and others in many dissimilar ways. On one hand, women are inclined to apologize a lot, do not take criticism well, expect thank-yous, complain, and find humor in making fun of themselves. Men on the other end, do not apologize constantly, are very upfront with criticisms, ritually fight, do not complain and instead find a solution, and crudely joke. It seems to be that men and women differ in so many ways but at the same



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