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Genesis 1-11

Essay by   •  July 3, 2016  •  Essay  •  1,075 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,606 Views

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        In Genesis 1-11, God performed many miracles that shape a Christian worldview. The miracles performed by God in the first eleven books of the Bible are the foundation for viewing the world through the eyes of Christ. In Genesis we learn about how the world was before creation, how God created the world, and how man ruined the world that God created perfect for man by sinning against God. We also learn about how God wiped out the entire earth with a flood that cover the whole surface of the earth and how he changed up the languages spoken by man at the tower of Babel.

        In Genesis, we come to the realization that our world was dark, cold, and had no life on it before God started His creation in the first chapter of Genesis. God made our earth that we have today in a literal seven day period. God said for there to be light and then there was light. At this moment, God separated the light from the darkness. He called the time of light Day, and He called the time that it was dark Night. After God created light, He created the Seas as well as dry land. He then created plant life, the seasons, the creatures of the land and the creatures of the sea, and then God created man in his own image and put man in charge of the earth. He merely spoke and all these things came into existence. On the seventh day, God rested. This earth was perfect the way God created it, but the same man that he created to have dominion over his earth was the same man that sinned and brought imperfection into the world. This did not make God happy, and he decided to destroy his earth with the flood in Genesis 7, but he used Noah to save his creation and keep the human race alive. This section of the bible really influences my worldview because without the creation of the earth and man, we as humans would not be on this earth right now and therefore this is vital for understanding our existence.

        God created man in his own image. He put man in dominion over all the earth. The earth that we live in today is not like the earth that is described in Genesis one. The earth that we live in today is now corrupt with sin and is no longer the perfection that it was when it was created. When God created Adam, Adam was the only human on the earth, and God decided that Adam needed a partner, and so He created Eve to be the spouse of Adam. He placed them in the Garden of Eden which is where man would decide to go against God and sin. After Adam and Eve sinned and was cast out of the Garden, they had two sons that they named Cain and Abel. We see he first sibling rivalry with Cain and Abel. One thing that we can learn from these brothers is the fact that God is pleased when his children obey him and listen to the laws that He has set in place. He blessed both Abel and Noah in Genesis, and Christians can learn that they need to have a relationship with God as well as with other Christians. He is the creator of everything and it is important to have a strong relationship with God each and every day. Because we were made in His image, which means that we have a special place in the eyes of God and through this we as humans can know our identity and also know that we need to keep that strong relationship with him because he created us.

        In Genesis eleven, the world went from a one language world to a Multilanguage world when man tried to build a tower to reach heaven. God changed the languages that people spoke and scattered man across the entire face of the earth. When God changed the languages that was spoken by the people working on the tower, they were no longer able to communicate and work on the tower and were forced to not finish the tower. This tower was called the Tower of babel which is a word commonly used in today’s society as a term to describe confusion between people and languages. The tower of Babel was the beginning of different civilizations and shapes the way that our world is today with many different types of people, cultures, and languages.



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