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Running Head: Herbal report on Ginger

Alternative and Complementary Therapies; Ginger

Alternative and Complementary Therapies; Ginger

Ginger has been grown for over 4,400 years. It is a widely used cooking spice. Ginger comes from the plant Zingiber Officinale. In ancient times ginger was used to treat a variety of medical conditions. To name a few, in China, it is used for digestion, nausea, and diarrhea. Ginger is one of the more widely used herbs in America and is found in most grocery, drug and health food stores (Umm, 2004).

Forms of Ginger

Ginger can be purchased and used in many forms. Various forms of ginger include: whole raw root, whole fresh root, dried roots, powdered, crystalized, preserved, or pickled. Ginger root is also added into many medicines, foods, and even in the popular drink Ginger Ale(theepicentre,2003).

Uses for ginger

One of the main medical uses for ginger is nausea and vomiting. Two studies have found ginger more effective than the placebo in treating morning sickness in women with severe vomiting. Research has been done on ginger treatment with nausea and vomiting after surgery. Further studies need to be done to test its effectiveness. Several studies done on sailors proved ginger to be effective on motion sickness. Many prefer to take ginger as an alternative to other medications for motion sickness. Ginger sometimes added to tea is used to treat a cold, flu, headache, and menstrual cramps. Ginger can also be used for inflammation. Several studies have shown that it is effective against osteoarthritis, reducing the amount of pain medication the patient was taking. However few studies indicate that it worked no better than ibuprofen. Studies are being done, however it is to early to tell, the effects that ginger has on lowering cholesterol and preventing blood clots (Umm, 2004). "In the Philippines it is chewed to expel evil spirits(theepicentre, 2003)." Henry XIII instructed it to be used as a diaphoretic to help rid the plague. And according to Karma Sutra it is said to have aphrodisiac powers (theepiccentre, 2003).

Normal route and dosage

The Universityof Maryland medical center suggests:

Pediatric, Ginger should not be used by children under

2 years of age. Ginger may be used by children over 2

years of age to treat nausea, digestive cramping, and

headaches. Adjust the recommended adult dose to account

for the child's weight. Most herbal dosages for adults

are calculated on the basis of a 150 lb (70 kg) adult.

Therefore, if the child weighs 50 lb (20 to 2 kg), the

appropriate dose of ginger for this child would be 1/3

of the adult dosage.


In general, ginger intake should not exceed 2 to 4 g per day

(this includes the ginger obtained through diet such as ginger

ale, ginger snaps, and ginger bread).

* For nausea, gas, or indigestion: 2 to 4 grams of fresh

root daily (o.25 to 1.0 g of powdered root) or 1.5 to 3.0

mL ( 30 to 90 drops) tincture daily. To prevent vomiting,

take 1 gram of powdered ginger (Ð... tsp) or its equivalent

Every four hours as needed, or 2 ginger capsules (1 gram) three

times daily. You may also chew a 1/4 oz piece of fresh ginger.

* To relieve arthritis pain:



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