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Global Communications

Essay by   •  January 18, 2011  •  3,682 Words (15 Pages)  •  1,203 Views

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Global Communications have failed to have an alternative plan in place for such a serious predicament they are being faced with. However, these problems can be looked at as an opportunity to grow and make changes accordingly and adopt a second plan for review and possible execution. Global Communications needs to prevent the problem from going further. The successful improvement of Global Communications cannot be achieved without the use of the Union and communication. Joel Thompson will start the new plan off by having a series of meetings and question and answer sessions with the company to keep moral on an elevated level. Achieving these outcomes will require new plans in place and support from the different stakeholders. The new alternative solution will take a bit more time but in the long run the rewards will be beneficial and Global Communications can be leading in their competition.

Situation Analysis

Issue and Opportunity Identification

Global Communications as had issues that has led to the company having to take drastic measures to save money. Global Communications has in turn ended up having to face some significant issues that need critical attention. They need to take a look at what lead them here but still focusing on how to make an executive decision and following the basis that will clearly be identified. This will help them to have a positive outcome and solution, and hopefully, not lead to friction amongst different departments. The increase in competition in the telecommunications industry is causing significant problems and is forcing Global Communication to make quick and effective changes, they need to have a timeline in place to make sure that quick decisions are not made put a reasonable path is followed to accommodate all parties involved.

One of the ways Global Communications arrived this point was due to other companies are now offering new calling features that consumers find attractive because the competition offers a more all inclusive package. Due to the increase in competition, consumers are choosing companies that offer more services for the least amount of money. Another leading factor that has led to this issue is that the company is facing is financial distress, the stock prices have decreased significantly and they need to find a way to cut costs. Global Communications needs a strategy and possible marketing plan that will in the end prevail over negative functions of upper management. Global Communications is going to have to press hard and involve precise communication, the Union, and the workforce. To be more particular the problems that Global Communication is having has to do with growth and its relationship with profitability. The plan is to execute the new plans without destroying what was already built in terms of employee loyalty and morale and consumer confidence.

Involving the Union is a great opportunity to take the stress off the company. This way they can at least be given the opportunity to fight for the workforce. Not only can the Union be the voice for the employees, but they can also offer suggestions on a new approach to take. The Union should not be viewed as a problem but the force behind the workers that can help obtain reasonable goals for the company. With upper management not using the Union in their beginning plan, it ended up causing more problems and friction on top of the financial problems that already existed.

Stakeholder Perspectives/Ethical Dilemmas

Stakeholders possessing power can exercise their own will despite resistance, (Weber, 1947). The Senior Leadership is the main group heading up the certain tasks that Global Communication will have to face. First, the team needs to see what growth potential is available with the option of this new service. Second, the managers have branded actions that might improve profitability by cutting expenditures. To follow through with both of these ideas, the company plans to market itself more aggressively on an international rank with the long term goal of becoming more competitive with other communication business’s. .

The employees are another major stakeholder in Global Communications. They have the union’s support, and have the values of their family and selves. They have a right to know the truth and to make decisions in a timely manner. Employees are concerned about their future and room for growth. They are the man power behind the corporation. They rely on managers to make sure everything is run smoothly. Employees’ needs are very simple and basic; they have a desire to be treated with dignity and respect, to have a right to privacy, freedom of speech, and safety, and even and probably most important, a right to a job.

The next main stakeholder in Global Communications is the Union. The most important purpose of a union is to keep up with changes in wage rates and environment conditions of the workforce, and shield the employees and make sure they have a safe working environment. They are the ones who offer the insurance plans and do the increase in pay. They are for the people and their best interest. If Global Communications would have gone to the union and advised them of what the reality of the situation was they may have been surprised to find out that the unions may have been ready to help in the form of wage reductions, shorter work days, taking on more responsibilities Unions play a pivotal role both in securing labor protections and rights such as safety and health, overtime, and family/medical leave and in enforcing those rights on the job. Because unionized workers are more informed, they are more likely to benefit. This is why the Union is upset with Global Communications.

Stakeholder Perspectives/Ethical Dilemmas

The decency and ethical dilemmas in the workplace start with the leaders; the upper management. Today's work force is composed of people who are more diverse than ever in nationality, culture, religion, age, education, and socioeconomic status (Lankard 1991). This will be another key issue that Global Communications needs to take into account when they are planning the new arrangement. In Global Communications, the upper management started off with a plan to increase profits, and compete with other companies, but it seemed that their efforts started to compromise other stakeholders views and impute. The upper management of Global Communications ended up being seen as not telling the truth, and doing whatever it took to enhance shareholder value, when the should have been focusing on a code of ethics to avoid tangible problems.

When corporate management is damaged by distrust, the moral of the company starts to suffer before it had



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