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Global Communications

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Global Communications

Generic Benchmarking Worksheet


Task A: Problem/Opportunity Statement

Instructions for Task A: In the Response row, write out the problem/opportunity statements for the scenario for each of the team members.

Response to Task A:

Global Communications can find a way to increase stockholder value, cut costs and improve profitability by making appropriate organizational adjustments

To continue to be an industry leader, Global Communications needs to develop a new strategic plan focusing on all persons who have a stake in the corporation, including shareholders and employees.

Global Communications can enter into the partnership with the satellite company, expand into the global market, and increase profit while retaining employees

Global Communications will aggressively implement plans for growth, international exposure and technologically advanced services and products. Global Communications will be poised to become an industry leader.

Global Communications must find a way to increase profitability through innovations to remain vital while staying true to the stakeholders and employees

Global Telecommunication can find a way to increase productivity and economic stability by making appropriate company technology adjustments that will decrease layoff possibilities and increase benefits for employees.

Generic BenchmarkingвЂ"The purpose of generic benchmarking is to identify potential solutions to the problem statements defined in Task A. You will do this by looking at how companies in other industries have dealt with similar issues.

Task B1: Generic Benchmarking: Topics

Instructions for Task B1: In the Response row, identify the topics for which you need information in order to identify potential solutions to the problems identified in Task A.

In the Response row, list three to five topics that you will research in peer-reviewed journals, on Web sites, and in popular publications such as magazines and newspapers.

In the Response row, provide a justification for each topic.

Response to Task B1:

Topic 1: Consumer Confidence

Understanding what the consumer wants is a critical skill that is necessary to differentiate

Outstanding companies from mainstreamed companies. Some of the challenges has encountered in the market is that the market is “Too Competitive”. They are finding that many services that were once provide by telecommunication companies are now being provided by other company like Cable. The companies that are making stability so hard for Global Communication are cable companies. These companies are not only specializing in cable but are starting to provide other services that provided complete solutions dealing with computers, televisions, and telephone service which permits them to enter a larger market with these advancements in technology. In Global Communication wants to gain compatibility with these companies global communication has to make advancements in its technology. By offering new service that are more advances than cable companies the consumer is satisfied with their personal and technological advancements which will enable them to become leaders in telecommunication.

Topic 2: Decreasing company cost/ increasing company productivity

Global communication plans to decrease company cost by decreasing the amount of call center in America and establishing call centers in India and Ireland. According to the Global Communication Scenario by establishing the call centers in India and Ireland they are able to reduce unit cost for handling calls by nearly 40%. By downsizing the domestic call centers telecommunication is use money that was used on call center to make more advancements in technology, which will provide consumers with many new service. Global communication has to find a strategy that is able to make employees view layoffs as an opportunity instead of a problem. Although some call center reps will be transferred to new location overseas many call center employees will be laid off. Those who are being relocated are going to have to take a 10% salary cut, global communication plans to off set the salary cut by offering a 15% retention bonus the first few years and when business grows global communication can focus on salary increases over the next couple of years.

Topic3: Protecting Intellectual Property Locally/Internationally

While global communication is cutting cost by establishing overseas call centers it is very important that they are able to protect what they have in telecommunication. It is important to realize that all companies have their best interest in mind and it is important that all companies are able to keep leadership in product that they specialize in. By protecting a companies property it is a sure way to share ideas and technology but also able to ensure and protect company survival.

Topic4: Cross Cultural Entry Strategies, Negotiation, and Joint Ventures

It is imperative that Global communication when conducting international entry strategies, negotiation, and joint venture that they understand cultural aspects and values. It is important that international and American companies do not view the partnership as “master and Servant’ but as win/win relationship. By Global Communication interest in establishing overseas call centers it should not be looked at as cheap labor but as international expansion and cooperation.

Topic5: Technology Transfer

Intellectual property includes patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets. These items must be protected by businesses, and any release, transfer, or sale of these must include the careful consideration of a potential exploitation of these secrets and a subsequent and possibly severe loss of revenue. Global communication has the opportunity to have advancements in telecommunication, provide consumers with telecommunication advancements, regain leadership in telecommunication, and enter into new markets by establishing call centers in India and Ireland. If Global Communication determines the need to transfer that technology to others, it must take measures that would help ensure the information and processes are protected from release to unauthorized



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