Global Warmin: Fact Of Opinion?
Essay by 24 • December 18, 2010 • 2,147 Words (9 Pages) • 1,334 Views
Global Warming: Fact or Opinion?
If you were to leave your front door open in the winter time, would you heat up the outdoors? Or perhaps someone told you that a cow's fart increases the annual temperature. It is just as ridiculous to say that humans cause global warming by releasing carbon dioxide into the air, puncturing the atmosphere and allowing solar flares burn our earth. However, while no drastic changes in the climate have happened to be of concern, media wants the gullible masses to believe that we are causing our race's possible extinction.
Global warming is an idea blown way out of proportion. For example, in 1970, Paul Ehrlich stated, "If present trends continue, the world will be about four degrees colder for the global mean temperature in 1990, but even eleven degrees colder by the year 2000..this is about twice it would take to put us in an ice age".(Ehrlich 4) This quote gives obvious proof that even the most profound scientific research becomes obsolete as time passes. One can observe that global warming has not unleashed its icy wrath and has not yet been supported by enough powerful models to provide a legitimate argument. It is an example that with enough media attention a simple matter can become expanded beyond logical explanation and perceived by the people as the truth.
The truth is, most "proof" of global warming has been disproved by scientific research, and there is not enough evidence to support global warming, and certainly not enough proof to force the population to try and fix a problem that doesn't exist. Due to media and left wing politicians in the world today, global warming is one of the most unnecessary controversial topics.
Media influences the weak minded individuals desperate for a cause to jump on a bandwagon of which society tends to lean towards. However, there is no proof of their own to support their beliefs, besides the garbage that television and radio melt into their hollow minds. "We spend far to much time examining the epistemological basis for our thinking. The question "how do we know what we know" is rarely taken up by even the more intelligent among us. Most of us prefer the leisurely approach to understanding; relying upon self styled "experts", or the outcome of public opinion polls, to advise us of the opinions we are to embrace. No where is this tendency more evident than in the current secular faith in the causes of, and cures for, global warming" (Schaffer 1). What he is basically saying is that the average person does not get their information based on facts, only they believe what they hear because the overall population seems to favor an idea. People feel they must choose a side when it comes to politics, but their decision is rarely based on truth, rather what media makes most appealing to simple minded individuals. What they don't realize, that in fact almost all models to "support" global warming have been disproved through scientific research. One of those models happens to state that the earth is not only getting hotter, but we, humans, are taking part in the cause.
To say that humans cause global warming is just as ridiculous as saying that pigs can fly. Although over the past century the average annual temperature has been rising at a menial rate, what Hollywood fails to inform the gullible masses is that there were much warmer periods in the first half of the century. Research of the annual temperature means of the past century shows that 49 consecutive days in the Midwest of the United States in 1936 were over 90 degrees. There were another 49 consecutive days in 1955. However, in 1992, there was only one day over 90 degrees; only 5 days in 1997. This supports the beliefs of those who argue the weather cycle theory, belief in which the climate goes through cycles occurring long before human existence. Some scientists claim that emissions of carbon dioxide by humans into the atmosphere is one of the leading causes global warming. However, only a third of carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere can be attributed to humans, due to a study by Dr. Nir Shaviv and Professor Jan Veizer giving them reason to believe that 75 percent of climate variation over millions of years due to fluctuations in the emissions of cosmic rays. From their research, this means that if global warming is real, it is beyond our control. Weather does what it wants, when it wants. In 1992, roughly 500 scientists from around the world signed the Heidelburg appeal. While the media reflects that the majority believes that humans cause global warming, a recent Gallop Poll showed that out of more than 4,000 scientists, 83 percent disagreed with the notion that man causes global warming. To prevent our apparent "problem", global warming enthusiasts fight for the Kyoto treaty, a legally binding international protocol would mean dealing the American economy a devastating blow. The treaty requires industrial nations to cut energy emissions to 7 percent below 1990 levels. This entails destroying all energy growth since 1990 plus an additional 7 percent, a standard that is entirely ludicrous and unfeasible. That would mean increasing energy costs from $1,000 to $4,000 per family, sky rocketing the cost of food and daily needs such as electricity by 86%; gasoline by 53%. In the case of products that are manufactured using energy the price would directly correlate with a raise in prices. So it's and outrage for the world Wildlife Fund to tell you that man made global warming is a fact and appalling that the people of America must suffer drastic changes in our lifestyle to stop it.
The number one argument cited by most global warming advocates is that carbon dioxide created by humans is a major factor in the "greenhouse effect". When in reality it plays a much smaller role. It is true that carbon dioxide production is sharply on the rise due to industrialization and that the levels of it have increased by 25 percent over the last 100 years. However, the greenhouse gas effect has only increased 1 percent. That figure does not take into account the role of water vapor, the most prevalent of greenhouse gases. "If one would closely observe the role carbon dioxides plays in the "global warming increase" they would find that it plays an incredibly minute role in the grand scheme of things". (Tomkin 1-2)
When the media looks to sensationalize global warming it seems to use a familiar slogan "the last century was the warmest in a millennium". This statement is highly faulty, incredibly enough only one scientific study of trees provided this conclusion. In fact:
"A wealth of scientific research beginning with the father of modern climatology, Hubert H. Lamb, indicates