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Global Warming

Essay by   •  December 5, 2010  •  1,617 Words (7 Pages)  •  1,197 Views

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Global warming benefiting who?

The term "global warming" is a specific example of global climate change. The term "climate change" can also refer to other periods of overall temperature change such as global cooling. In common usage, the term "global warming" refers to the warming in recent decades and its projected continuation, and implies a human influence (Plummer). In other words Global warming is gases that get stuck in the atmosphere. Those gases let all the sunlight in and only some out. While some people think global warming as a issue and a activity that is destroying our world and are scared about it but there are some people who don’t want it to stop as it might be benefiting them therefore we need new laws are needed to make sure that these companies see more benefits to stop global warming. These companies don’t want global warming to stop because it is sometimes difficult to prove the effects of global warming and many of the solutions to the problem involve the possibility of limiting industrial development and changing the way people do things that would result into a lot of work and money. The earth’s temperature has stayed within the ranges 4 to 5 degree Celsius for the last 3500 years and now it’s increasing as scientist say that the earth is recovering from a period that is know as little ice age. Some large companies like wal-mart have looked into the issue "Global warming is real, now, and it must be addressed."(Lee Scott, CEO, Wal-Mart). 2005 became the warmest year in the history of the earth (Reviews of Geophysics 173-87) and April 2008 in California broke the records by more than 10 degree Fahrenheit. The green house effect plays a really big role in global warming. In 1824 Joseph Fourier was the first one to discover the greenhouse effect. The "greenhouse effect" is the result of radiation entering an atmosphere, changing state from light to heat, then becoming insulated there, causing the atmosphere to heat up. By this process many gases like methane, nitrous oxide, halocarbons, and carbon dioxide get trapped inside the earth’s atmosphere while making carbon dioxide the most abundant gas on the earth at 60 percent. “Modification of the response of photosynthetic productivity to rising temperature by atmospheric CO2 concentrations has its importance been underestimated?” (Plant Cell and Environment 729-39, October 1991). It is being stored in our atmosphere and making the earth a warmer place. “The transient response of terrestrial carbon storage to a perturbed climate.” (Nature 523-6, 11 February 1993).

Temperature Change causes CO2 change. The Ocean where 93% of all CO2 is on the earth is being heated; therefore all the atoms are getting faster. For example, when you leave a soda can in a hot area and open it up, all the fizz (CO2) will come up. Well, imagine the ocean as a huge soda can... basically same concept. CO2 is a natural cycle. It gets warmer and there will be more CO2 as "Respiration in a future, higher-[CO2] world" (Plant, Cell and Environment 13-20, January 1991). Human factor of global warming using fertilizers, growing rice, raising cattle, coal mines, building gas pipelines, landfills and destruction of forests. “The global carbon-dioxide flux in soil respiration and its Relationship to vegetation and climate,"(Tellus Series B Chemical and Physical Meteorology 81-99, 1992).

Global warming is a big problem involving everyone in the world and we can all contribute to stop the global by doing small things like don’t use the dishwasher unless it is full. Don’t use heat during the drying cycle. Don’t wash clothes in hot water (use cold water instead).Turn your water thermostat down. Don’t make rooms too hot or too cold. Clean air conditioner filters as needed.

The increasing temperatures in the world can be harmful for human being because "extreme temperatures can directly cause the loss of life.” An increase in "the concentration of ozone at ground level" as a result of higher air temperatures can lead to serious "problems for people with asthma and other lung diseases.” Increasing temperatures on our globe can have some serious impact on some southern parts of the world. There are many consequences of global warming that we don’t look at such as "If the earth’s temperature warms up insects will start living in the cold areas where insects cant even survive right now resulting in deadly diseases such as malaria and diseases caused by insects will would be seen all over the world even in cold areas.

People are changing the atmosphere. The changes started hundreds of years ago when people began cutting down forests and burning the wood. The invention of cars and other machines greatly increased the amount of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere. Such machines burn fuels like wood, coal, oil, and natural gas. When these fuels burn, they add carbon dioxide to the atmosphere and Methane comes from producing coal.

There are people who think differently and say there is nothing like global warming happening like IPCC didn't state that Global warming was caused by humans the scientists said that the earth has gotten warmer in the last 100 years. Political leaders of the IPCC changed the consensus to humans caused global warming which made many angry scientists. As a result of that, the Oregon Petition has 19,000 and growing American Scientists who disagree with the fact that humans cause global warming. They

Are bringing up there arguments that plants need CO2 as much as we need oxygen. The plants are the bug variable we have on our side. CO2 is a very heavy gas and is right on the ground CO2 is not a pollutant and is required



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