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Global Warming

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English 1020- 008

November 9, 2006

Causes and Effects of Global Warming

Around the world, the issues of global warming are arising everyday. Many people are experiencing the effects due to global warming at this very moment. Global warming is an increase in the earth's atmosphere due to both natural and human activities. In turn, this results in an increased amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Various causes of global warming have resulted in changes in the earth's conditions such as glacial melting, coastal flooding and deterioration, and other weather related upheavals.

One major effect of global warming is glacial melting. Global warming results from the greenhouse gases, which have elevated the levels of glacial melt. Some causes of increased greenhouse gases include the burning of fossil fuels from cars and factories, excessively increases carbon dioxide levels. The greenhouse effect scatters sunlight like clouds. Baliunas says this in turn leads to an increase in an atmospheric temperature of

" '0.5 to 1.5 degrees Celsius'" (qtd. in Cooper 3). With the increase of the temperature, the melting of ice increases. For example, Marcia Clemmitt states from other sources that "the number of glaciers in Montana's Glacier National Park has dropped from 150 - when the park was created in 1910 - to fewer than 30 today, all greatly shrunken" (2). Another example Clemmitt gives us states that "the legendary snows of Mount Kilimanjaro have melted about 80 percent since 1912 and could be gone by 2020" (2).

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A second major effect of global warming is coastal deterioration. Coastal deterioration results from an increase in rising sea water levels from the melting of glaciers and polar ice caps. Dr. Tom M.L. Wigley states that "by the end of the next century, the oceans will rise by 39 inches while earth's temperature could rise as much as 7 degrees Fahrenheit" (Gelbspan 5). With these significant rises in sea levels, coastal flooding becomes a hazard. Some examples of places when problems resulted in coastal flooding include South Louisiana, South Florida, and New York City (Cooper 5). Marcia Clemmitt highlights that Fiji's "average shoreline has been receding half a foot per year for the past 90 years" (5). Along with these occurrences, other things have happened dealing with global warming as well. Again Clemmitt finds that "rising sea level in Bermuda is causing salt water to inundate and kill mangrove forests" (5). Along with destructions, Clemmitt states "The United States had an autumn heat wave from mid-November to early December in 1998 and tied more than 700 daily-high temperature records" (5).

Thirdly, major effects of global warming have experienced numerous weather related climate conditions. Gelbspan lists a few examples from 1997 that demonstrate some significant instability in the climate. "The worst drought in 100 years in Chile, followed by torrential downpours which dumped six months' worth of rain in a week; Moscow's coldest December in 115 years which followed the warmest December in Moscow's history the previous year" (3). Financially, these weather related disasters can carry enormous costs. As the insurance giant, Munich Re, recently reported " 'The general trend towards ever- increasing numbers of catastrophes with ever- increasing costs is continuing'" (4). Gelbspan also says "In July, 1999, the National Oceanic and

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Atmospheric Administration reported that in the last 20 years, the U.S. alone has reported 42 extreme weather events that resulted in losses exceeding 1 billion dollars each" (4). On the topic of drought, Gelbspan says that "even a slight increase in warming will trigger an explosion of crop-destroying and disease-spreading insects" (4). This would have a major effect on tropical regions when dealing with their food crop growth, which is their main source of survival.

In summary, the greenhouse effect is by far the world's most significant factor to global warming. The warming effects can be caused naturally, however, human activities greatly enhance global warming the most. Global warming causes have effects including coastal deterioration, glacial melting, and many weather- related upheavals. These effects are only now being questioned and studied and will continue to do so until damaging greenhouse gases are eliminated.


English 1020- 008

November 21, 2006

Agnew, Bruce. "The Potential Effects of Global Warming on Human Health." Global

Warming. Ed. Shasta Gaughen. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2005. Opposing

Viewpoints Resource Center. Thomson Gale. Volunteer State Community

College, Gallatin. 15 Nov. 2006 .

In this reading, Bruce Agnew looks at how global warming could impact human health. These weather changes could actually have death related results on human health. Many examples of these include droughts, floods, and other extreme weather conditions that could result in the loss of life, disturb food production, and contaminate water supplies, etc.

Avery, Dennis T. "The Effects of Global Warming Will Be Beneficial." Global

Warming. Ed. James Haley. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2002. Opposing

Viewpoints Resource Center. Thomson Gale. Volunteer State Community

College, Gallatin. 20 Nov. 2006 .

In this particular viewpoint article, Dennis Avery argues that the warming of 3.5 degrees over the twenty first century will have positive impacts. He believes that a warmer earth will result in lush forests, a decrease in weather related problems, increased food production, and a healthier human population. He goes back to medieval times when temperatures had increased similarly to what is going on now, and that it had a favorable impact at that time.

Clemmitt, Marcia. "Climate Change." CQ Researcher 16.4 (2006): 73-96. CQ Researcher

Online. CQ Press. Volunteer State Community College, Gallatin. 7 Nov. 2006<




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