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Global Warming

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Pablo Flores

Professor Patch

ENGL – 122048

28 October 2017

Global Warming

        Many researchers, scientists, and the environment are expressing concerns about the changes in the overall climate of the earth, that is referred to as global warming. Global warming refers to an increase in average global temperatures. Sadly, my audience Scott Pruitt, administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, does not trust the research and evidence throughout the years by scientists on global warming nor the process of clean energy. Thus, Pruitt, a global warming denier, doesn’t really think that global warming is real; being it caused by humans primarily by increases in gases such as carbon dioxide, fossil fuels (coal, oil).

Natural events and human activities are believed to be contributing to an increase in global temperatures. Pruitt may be skeptical about my argument that global warming really needs attention after devastated disasters because we both come to an understanding that the global temperatures are rising; we need to pay attention and advance on clean energy, so we can both tolerate and value to keep living on this planet as safe as possible. Making it a beneficial for us and for the future. I argue to Pruitt that, global warming is a big issue that affects the people, environment, and the world, eliminating fossils fuels and carbon dioxide to help reduce the global temperatures and quickly notice; advancing on clean energy to develop a safer economy and environment.

Additionally, fossil fuels like coal and oil supply have powered America for more than a century, but their production and use have major health and environmental impacts, including air and water pollution, environmental degradation, and global warming. Pruitt more focusing on economic growth development than environmental protection by wanting to approve more coal to boost the economy. As a matter of fact, Pruitt was the one to persuade President Donald Trump to withdrawal from the Paris Climate Change Agreement. Reason why Pruitt decided to withdrawal from the agreement because he argued that the agreement would slow the U.S. economy by delaying America's God-given right to mine, export and burn fossil fuels. Michael Mann, Penn State climate scientist, stated on Scientific American, article titled “Burning Coal Is Hot, the Global Warming Produced Is Even Hotter”. States

“An interesting study from highly respected climate researchers that highlights the need to reduce the use of fossil fuels quickly. There is uncertainty about how much the earth could warm between now and 2100 if the rate of greenhouse gas emissions remains unchanged, but generally scientists agree that warming could fall somewhere between 3.5°F and 8°F” (Mann 1).

Mann’s quotation recaps that scientists have research the importance of fossil fuels damaging the global atmosphere and it’s rising temperatures. We are overloading the earth’s atmosphere with carbon dioxide, which traps heat and steadily drives up the planet’s temperature. Where does all this carbon come from? The fossil fuels we burn for energy like coal, natural gas, and oil. Pruitt, the scientific evidence is clear. Within the scientific community, there is no debate that fossil fuels are one of the major roles of global warming.

Similarly, carbon dioxide a substance that comes from fossil fuels when burning it turning into gases. The increase in carbon dioxide in our atmosphere is said to have been a contributing factor to the global warming effect. CO2 is named a greenhouse gas along with other gases such as methane and nitrous oxide. These retain heat and emit it at the same time. This causes a long term warming effect with increases in concentrations of the gases that rises the global temperatures. Pruitt is not convinced that carbon dioxide pollution from burning fossil fuels like oil, gas and coal is the main cause of climate change, a conclusion widely involved by scientists. Bill McKibben, author of “Global Warming’s Terrifying New Math”, published on the Rolling Stone, asserts

“as scientists began to calculate how much oil, coal and gas could still safely be burned. Since we've increased the Earth's temperature by 0.8 degrees so far, we're currently less than halfway to the target. But, in fact, computer models calculate that even if we stopped increasing CO2 now, the temperature would likely still rise another 0.8 degrees, as previously released carbon continues to overheat the atmosphere. That means we're already three-quarters of the way to the two-degree target” (McKibben 1).

What McKibben states on the Rolling Stone relates that there is too much carbon dioxide and harmful gases, that if we stop increasing carbon dioxide there is still plenty to increase global temperatures for the next years. With Pruitt approving more coal and oil to the industry to boost the economy, there will be plenty more carbon dioxide and other harmful gases to expand more and last more in the atmosphere for the future. Pruitt, my evidence is showing that carbon dioxide is rapidly increasing global temperatures and will continue due to your economic reasons to boost the economy of the united states; while you are more involved in the economy than the environment you should see closely what is your job title in the EPA.



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