Essay by Abild98 • January 26, 2018 • Essay • 958 Words (4 Pages) • 735 Views
Globalization is the glorious phenomenon that has enabled people from all over the world to trade, interfere and support one another since the industrial revolution. Globalization is in set terms the progressive international interaction between nations and organisations. It allows nations and the people of the nations to exchange knowledge, service and goods, helping each other. Globalization has made it possible for nations to establish cross-border relationships for the greater good and to organize trade, like the European Union. Globalization can be divided into different categories dependent on what impact globalization might have. Perhaps the most important categories which globalization can influence are politics, culture, economy, trade and labour. Globalization is a great contributor for many beneficial cases in favour for the man kind. Trade blocs has been established to ensure a righteous and advantageous trading system within the trading bloc. However, globalization has also been the reason for many unpleasant events in the human history, which have been the reason for many debates about moral and ethics. One great example of moral and ethics is one of the former German chancellor, Adolf Hitler who succeeded to hunt and kill approximately 6 million due to his ability to convince the German people about the racial differences between Jews and native German people.
Globalization has made a huge impact on international trade, companies has been made aware of countries who are tax havens. Great international companies exercise their ability to outsource and/or offshoring their activities, to obtain economic benefits in terms of labour productivity and low wages. This harms the domestic labour market and leave many people unemployed. However, this is a trend that has begun to turn around which I shall elaborate later on.
Globalization is a very discussed topic of the pros and cons of what is does when the world is getting smaller. Thomas Friedman talks about globalization in three eras. Globalization 1.0 was from 1492 when Christopher Columbus discovered the promised land, and that era lasted until the 1800s. The events within these three centuries shrunk the world from large to medium due to the countries were globalizing. Spain went to America and Britain to India.
Globalization 2.0 was from the 1800s were the industrialization happened and that era lasted from the 1800s until 2000 and the world turned from medium to small due to companies went global. The East Indian Trading Company was a big player back then.
Globalization 3.0 turned the world form small to tiny, due to individuals went global. After the internet was invented it enabled people to communicate across borders.
Samuel Huntington is an author who wrote ‘’The clash of civilizations and the remaking of world order’’ in which he discusses that future wars will no longer be motivated by economy and territory like the Napoleonic wars and WW2, where both Napoleon and Hitler were former military men and each dreamed of the world dominion. Furthermore, Huntington discusses the impact immigration does to a country. The internet holds a great deal of the responsibility for which countries people immigrate to because the internet advertises nations like the US, Great Britain and regions like Scandinavia indirectly. This kind of globalization make these nations and regions multicultural and multi-ethnic and for a region like Scandinavia where the nations have a unique type of welfare model, these welfare models are under a huge pressure because the welfare models are not designed to provide for immigrants who doesn’t contribute.
Another author, called