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Essay by   •  March 10, 2011  •  495 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,030 Views

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* What does Tseelon mean when saying: "[The choice of a method] is not a question of accuracy, but a question of values"?

- What does that choice mean ontologically?

* How are methods like ideologies?

* What's the difference between content & form with regard to ideology?

* What are the ethics involved in this choice and how does it differ from how positivism science generally views or thinks about the domain of ethics?

* What approach to research do you think Tseelon takes?

* Apply these ideas to & briefly critique one of the sources you found in assignment #3.

* How might you explore your phenomenon differently?

* When Tseelon say's "The choice of a method is not a question of accuracy, but a question of values", he is basically saying that when a researcher is selecting a method in which he or she would like to use for their research, the question that needs to be thought about is what is valued when it comes to the responses that you might get. By picking different methods you can get complex multiple answers, so in the end, a researcher needs to decide on what values he or she is trying to bring out.

What is meant by the choice ontology is that what is the real choice that one is given in the situation.

* Methods are like ideologies in that they are like a tool in which we see the phenomenon.

* The different between content & and form in regard to ideology is that content 1involves looking at ideological things in specific certain outlooks like Marxism and sexism and then differentiates between ideological and non-ideological standpoints. Form on the other hand looks at ideology as a vital tool in



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