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Greece And Western Civ

Essay by   •  December 6, 2010  •  558 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,339 Views

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Ancient Greece and Rome were two distinct societies that left their mark in a legion of facets of life. They had a colossal impact on modern culture as it exists today. Their contributions to the fields of architecture and literature are innumerable. Many of the precedents they had set in government remain in the present day. Even the basic religious concepts that originated with the Greeks and Romans remain in operation at this moment. The Ancient Greek and Roman civilizations have left many legacies regarding their general ethos, many of which affect western civilization of today.

In regards to their governmental practices, the Greeks and Romans are very singular. Athens is truly the first great democracy of the world. Although many types of government circulate Greece, once democracy falls into place the people become attached to it. In the age of Pericles, Athens advances its democracy by allowing the lower class to participate in the assembly, but this was financially impossible. The Athenians had positive goals for government, but lacked realistic ways to achieve them. The Romans, however, complemented the Greeks with their practical ways of governing. They structured their government as problems arose and were very focused on balancing the power, as they had had past experiences with a monarchy. The Roman democracy edged out the Greek one as the plebeians had their own assembly to have a say in. Overall, it is clear that the models that were set in ancient Greece and Rome remain today.

As the Greeks and Romans left legacies in government, they also left them in philosophy and religion. There were many great Greek philosophers starting with Socrates and leading down the line with Plato and Aristotle. Socrates was well known for his question and answer method of teaching. Plato set out his ideal state, with philosophers as the highest class, then warriors, then the producers. Aristotle is known for a broad range of topics, and especially analyzing existing governments. Right along with the philosophy, there were



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