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Greek Drama

Essay by   •  December 9, 2010  •  1,117 Words (5 Pages)  •  1,265 Views

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The Oresteia was a book based on morals, over right and

wrong. This is what Orestes was brought up against in court.

Was it right for him to seek revenge towards his fathers death or was

it wrong? Was it wrong for him to murder the killer, which in turn

was his uncle and mother? These questions are what need to be


My beliefs to murder one for anothers death isn't always

right, but there could be certain circumstances when this is justified.

I'm not really sure if Orestes is guilty or not. I mean since he was

acting on what Apollo wanted him to do. I guess if I were back in

that time period, Orestes would be found innocent.

The reasons for this is, because this was what the gods

had commanded. It was forseen and fortold event. It began with

Cassandra telling the Chorus what will happen to Agamemon and her

once their inside the castle. The death and who would be doing the


Then Apollo telling Orestes that he must go and seek

justice for his fathers death. That ir he doesn't do it he will live an

awful life. That justice will set his family free from the torement that

has been going on for many years.

Orestes is put to the test by caring out Apollos word,

to have to kill ones mother would be the worst. This after all is the

person who gave one life, now to take hers away. The strength of

mind had to be strong.

After doing his deeds Orestes is then plagued by the

Furies, which believe that all wrongs must be punished. The Furies,

do not care that Apollo pushed to have this done, or that this was a

foresight, they only believe what they wanted. In the end jurers

were the ones who try Oretes on his actions. For this time period a

hand for an hand, an eye for an eye, were probably the just means.

I guess he is innocent of the crime put before him.

The play of Antigone who could see the over

exaggeration of Creons words. Family is sacred no matter what the

actions are at the time. Creon words took over beliefs of people and

the gods. In the end, he to was punished for what he sought out. To

punish Antigone for her beliefs was wrong. She was a victim to one

of greed and power. Creon had everything coming that he got, to lose

his son was in the end justification, to Creon and for Antigones


Euripides plays were written to have a say against the

traditions of men. In the play Media he has her as a scorned woman,

trying to fight for her husbands love.

Medea being from a distant land, new of different

drugs, only because of different plants and animals from her land.

This to a Greek



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