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GulliverЃFs Travels

Essay by   •  November 17, 2010  •  394 Words (2 Pages)  •  2,099 Views

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GulliverЃfs Travels

Genre: Satire in the form of a travel narrative.

I part: Lemuel Gulliver, a surgeon on a merchant ship relates his shipwreck on the island of Lilliput, the inhabitants of which are 6Ѓf tall, everything on the island being in the proportion of an inch to a foot as compared with things as we know them. Owing to this diminutive scale, the pomp of the emperor, the civil fends of the inhabitants, the war with their neighbors across the channel are made to look ridiculous. The E. political parties and religious dissentions are satired in the description of the wearers of high heels and low heels and of the controversy on the question whether eggs should be broken at the big or small end.

II part: Gulliver is accidentally left ashore on Brobdingnag, where the inhabitants are as tall as steeples, and everything else is in proportion. Here the king, after inquiring into the manners, government and learning of Europe, sums up his impression of what Gulliver tells him as follows: ЃhЃc I cannot but conclude the bulk of your natives to be the most pernicious race of little odious vermin that nature ever suffered to crawl upon the surface of the Earth.Ѓh

III part: A visit to the flying island of Laputa, and its neighboring continent and capital Ladago. Here the satire is directed against philosophers, men of science, historians, projectors (Academy of Projectors) ЃЁ professors are engaged in extracting sunshine from cucumbers similar absurd enterprises. In the Island of Sorcerers he is enabled to call up the great men of old and discovers from their answers to his questions the deceptions of history. The Struldrugs, a race endowed with immortality, so far from finding this a boon, turn out to be the most miserable of mankind.

IV part: Swift describes the country of Houyhnhnms (horses, endowed with reason). Their rational, clean



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