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Analysis of Social Commentary in William Shakespeare's


William Shakespeare's tragedy Hamlet, is a play that offers various and very contrasting views on such subjects as religion, reason, passion, and human life and death. Throughout the entire play, the protagonist, Hamlet, can be seen as someone who talks and thinks way beyond necessity, so much so that he is unable to focus on his main point in the play. Hamlet's contradicting behavior throughout the play have grave and powerful effects on those he interacted with. From feigning madness to becoming the voice of reason, Shakespeare is able to make powerful social commentary through the complexities and personality of the main protagonist, Hamlet. In making Hamlet's character so complex, Shakespeare has taken great measures to put both complex and simple social commentary throughout the play. There are many examples where Hamlet's character can be compared to something that either was going on in the society that Shakespeare lived in, and there are also many instances where the social commentary that is being made by Shakespeare still applies today.

In the beginning of the play, the story of the play is set. King Hamlet has just been found dead, and is survived by his wife, Gertrude, and son Hamlet. The cause of the King's death is said to be a poisonous snake bite. Instead of a young Hamlet taking over the throne in his father's death, Hamlet's uncle is chosen, the King's brother, Claudius. Also, a short time after King Hamlet's death, (it is never made clear of an exact time period, although there is evidence for one to speculate), Hamlet's mother Gertrude marries Claudius, and remains the Queen of Denmark. All of these events in a row cause Hamlet to become very dark and seemingly depressed, on the edge of killing himself. When we first meet Hamlet in the play in Act One, Scene Two, he is dressed in all black and is in a very inhospitable and depressing mood. The first thing he says to Claudius after Claudius tries to call Hamlet his "cousin"(1,2,64), is "A little more than kin, and less than kind."(1,2,65). This signifies Hamlet's attitude towards Claudius, he views his step-father with much contempt and as the play goes on, this contempt grows to hatred. Hamlet is also in this mood because he feels that his own mother betrayed his father, in marrying Claudius within a short period of time after the King's death. Hamlet views this relationship between his mother and his uncle as being incestuous, as Hamlet explains in his first soliloquy:

"Like Niobe, all tears- why, she-

O God, a beast that wants discourse of reason

Would have mourn'd longer- married with my uncle,

My father's brother- but no more like my father

Than I to Hercules. Within a month,

Ere yet the salt of most unrighteous tears

Had left the flushing in her gallad eyes,

She married- O most wicked speed!"


In this passage, Hamlet is talking to himself in his first soliloquy, and he is expressing his disdain and disbelief that his mother would marry his late father's brother so soon after his father died. He is disgusted in this action, and does call it "incestuous", although it is not.

One of the first and most powerful instances of social commentary comes in the form of Hamlet's first soliloquy. This soliloquy comes just after Claudius has addressed the nation that he has just become king of, Denmark. Hamlet does not believe that Claudius should be King, and more importantly, he does not like the fact that his mother has married his uncle only a month after his father died. Hamlet takes great pains throughout the play to bring this up whenever he is talking either with or about his mother, and this first soliloquy is no different. The first four lines of the first soliloquy offer great social commentary made by Shakespeare:

"O that this too too sullied flesh would melt,

Thaw and resolve itself into a dew,

Or that the Everlasting had not fix'd

His canon 'gainst self-slaughter. O God! God!"


These first four lines of his first soliloquy suggest that he is in a state of self-loathing and pity. His reference to the sullied, or dirtied, flesh suggests that he is talking about his own flesh, and how it has been "dirtied". The references to the "Everlasting" and "canon 'gainst self-slaughter" are references to committing suicide. I believe that Shakespeare is relating Hamlet to the audience in this soliloquy. Hamlet is seen as having this sort of vulnerability in this quote here, where he is faced with an extreme situation, and thinking of not-so extreme ways of ending his participation in this certain situation. I know many people personally that feel what Hamlet is saying here, in that their lives have gotten so bad and they feel as if there is no alternative other then taking their own lives. With that same note, I also believe that Shakespeare is poking fun of the nobility here in this passage. Hamlet is of the highest class in Denmark, of the highest nobility, and yet, even with all the wealth and power that he possess, he is still reduced to thinking about killing himself. This irrationality from the highest class in society is proof that money and wealth and power are not able to get you everything, you are still human, and humans have emotions. I believe that this was another way for Shakespeare to help the common folk relate to the upper class, in showing that the nobility is anything but perfect, and that the nobility have plenty of problems, some that might even seem worse then those of the common folk.

Another example of Shakespeare's social commentary in the play is during the scene where Hamlet talks to the ghost of his late father. This is in Act One, Scene Five. In this scene, Hamlet comes face to face with the ghost of his late father, and talks to his father about how his father died, and what really happened as opposed to what everybody was told. Hamlet comes to realize that Claudius killed his father, and then claimed



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