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Essay by   •  December 4, 2010  •  281 Words (2 Pages)  •  1,263 Views

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Multi professional learning programmes provide an opportunity for learners to interact with inter-professional techniques and develop new skills both practically and theoretically. During my time at university, I have gained knowledge in the classroom that coincides with my practical work on my work placement ward.

We have developed techniques such as hand washing. We learnt that this procedure is very important when it comes to infection control. According to the Bandolier website,

“Hospital acquired infection in England it costs Ð'Ј1 billion a year, kills 5000 patients, and consumes the resources of 27 four hundred bed hospitals.”

In our theory classes, we used a gel that we rubbed in our hands and put under an ultra violet lamp. Just before we carried out this experiment, we had washed our hands, therefore they should have been clean, however, as the lamp detected, they were not. This experiment, brought into perspective how important it is to clean your hands correctly and make sure whilst in a clinical environment, we are not spreading any infections from patient to patient.

We also developed moving and handling skills, such as the slide sheet technique. This technique is very simple and easy to put into practice, however, on my placement ward; I noticed some staff chose not to use this procedure. In our theoretical lessons, we established how important using slide sheets are. As well as injuring the patient involved, the staff not using a slide sheet could endure back and muscular injuries.

These are just a few of the skills I learnt in our classes however, I feel they are often the most simple but crucial skills to get right whilst in clinical and health care environments.



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