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Hegemonic Case

Essay by   •  March 20, 2014  •  725 Words (3 Pages)  •  965 Views

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Hegemonic view is that view which is prevailed in the society and we believe that this is the only fact which exists in the society. It is deliberately created for a particular class. Ideologies are constructed and we are forced to believe that this is the only way of thinking. There is always two sides of a mirror but we are biased and we do not bother about the other side of a thing. We interpret things the way we want to. Everything is created not natural.

From the early childhood, a child used to listen stories from their parents and the source of entertainment for them is cartoon and stories. At that age children are not able to interpret meanings on a deeper level. But the fact is when they become mature then they get to know that the stories which they listen in their childhood have strong effect on their mind and they are forced to think in a particular direction.

Many of the stories are based on beauty of a girl. These stories are means of propaganda. If we talk about Barbie doll, we notice that being a child we love her hair, her figure and everything she has but now we realize that Barbie doll is propaganda. This is a particular sort of beauty. Barbie doll is white so the girls are dying for that sort of beauty. Even the boys want their girls to be beautiful like a doll. We have often seen the advertisements of a beauty cream which challenge that these creams can make you white in just three days. Many girls are buying those beauty creams because they want white complexion. It makes clear that the beauty lies in white color and other things do not matter at all.

Barbie doll is skinny. From this we have assumed that only slimness is beauty. People are talking about diet frequently. We have many ladies gyms in which the girls are trying their best to have a perfect figure like a doll. In doing so, they forget the fact that they are trying to be like a doll. The proportions of a doll are not humanly possible and we cannot have features like a doll. It is in the nature of a man that he cannot be satisfied. We always feel we are not beautiful enough. We are psychologically involved in these things and becoming paranoid day by day.

This notion of being white has captivated the minds of young generation. It is seen that whenever a boy talks about the girl whom he intends to marry will be having certain



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