Hermes Paper
Essay by amiller23 • December 15, 2017 • Research Paper • 342 Words (2 Pages) • 740 Views
Alex Miller
English 9
10 May 2017
Hermes was is the god of trade and lots of other stuff. Hermes was 1 out of the 12 gods he was Zeus and Maia's son. Hermes was the fastest gods and he liked to play tricks on other gods he also was more than just a messenger(greekgodsandgoddesses).
Hermes liked to trick a lot of gods. For example he stole Apollo's cattle so Apollo had to make a deal with the child. Hermes was a clever little kid and played music on a lyre that Apollo couldn't resist. This means that Hermes escapes freely(hermesgreek.weebly). Hermes also encouraged a lot of gods to kill other gods and mortals. He also freed a lot of gods that weren't supposed to be free.
On the other hand hermes was also had good relationships with other gods. He was the messenger for Zeus. he also freed ares who was locked up by giants. Hermes also led Athena, Hera and Aphrodite to paris to pick the most beautiful one and this started the trojan war. For all the hardwork done by hermes Zeus would help with the battles that hermes was in. zeus also helped hermes with his love life. Sometimes zeus would make up an excuse to get hermes away from his wife.these were his positive relationships(igreekmythology).
Hermes was not just the god of messenger. Hermes was considered the patron and saviours of travelers. He also was considered the patron of sleep and dreams. The last few is that he is patron of scholars because he was very wise and knew how to use his powers to trick people. “The last thing he was a patron of youth because he was the most youthful olympian god”(igreekmythology). Those are just some of the other things he is patron of.
In conclusion Hermes was the fastest god and he liked to play tricks on other gods he also was more than just a messenger. Hermes