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Hispanic American Diversity

Essay by   •  December 10, 2010  •  1,887 Words (8 Pages)  •  1,746 Views

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Hispanic American Diversity

Hispanic Americans cultural diversity is emulated in the various groups as well as in the origins of the individual cultures. Hispanic cultures have been swayed to different degrees by many traditions. Unification attempts of Hispanic Americans have often been tense among the various Hispanic American subgroups. Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans and Cuban Americans have very little in common. Most Hispanic Americans identify with other minority groups much easier than with other Hispanics.

Cuban Americans are often affiliated politically with Jewish Americans while Puerto Ricans have similar affiliations with African Americans. Mexican Americans and Puerto Ricans are apt to favor liberal nominees in national and state elections while Cuban Americans are notorious for their powerful conservative ethics. As the Puerto Rican community becomes more educated, political activity expands. Further circumstances like the advent of bilingual programs, the steady arrival of certain kind of religious organizations, and the appointment of politically productive officials make it easier and beneficial to take part in the political process. Puerto Ricans have many similar rights as any other U.S. citizen. Puerto Ricans can not vote for the president even though they are citizens of the United States. They are excluded from paying federal income tax also. Though some of the privileges associated with citizenship have been withheld from Puerto Ricans, they are allowed "...unrestricted U.S. Migration...[which has] made New York city the one place with the most Puerto Ricans anywhere in the world (over one million)" This immigration privilege is something many Hispanics would love to have. Cuban Americans, particularly in the Miami vicinity, tend to be considerably further cautious politically than other Latino groups and shape a dominant voting obstruction for the Republican Party in the state of Florida. They tend to back conservative political ideologies and support the Republicans. Many Cuban Americans have assimilated into mainstream culture. They are politically active with three members in the House of Representatives and two Senators in the Senate. They are economically auspicious in establishing business cartels and emanating political influence by converting Miami from a retirement community into a prevalent city with explicit Hispanic essence. Venezuelan Americans are not currently active on the federal government level but many have established careers in local politics and government.

Possible similarities can be disguised by intellectual differences usually. Most Hispanic Americans speak Spanish, though each subgroup has adapted its own pronunciation and slang from its homeland to their own exclusive situation. Spanish is the second most widely spoken language in the United States. Mexican Americans typically speak Spanish and are being taught, in bilingual classes, the English Language. As of 2002, about 23 % of Mexican Americans are English dominant, 26% are bilingual, and 51% are Spanish dominant, 51 percent are Spanish dominant. Puerto Ricans in the United States tend to be more English-language oriented, with 39%, English-dominant, 40% bilingual and 21% percent Spanish dominant. Puerto Ricans are typically very proficient in both English and Spanish which makes life for them somewhat easier. Among the Hispanics born abroad, 74.3% said that they could speak either Spanish or Spanish better than English; however, while those born elsewhere have a stronger ability with Spanish, more than half have some English ability as well.

Salvadorans, Dominicans, Colombians, and other Central and South Americans tend to be more Spanish dominant and they are also more likely to be more recent immigrants. Not all Central and South Americans have Spanish as their native tongue; for example, immigrants from Brazil speak Portuguese, immigrants from French Guyana speak French, and those from Suriname speak Dutch. Nationally, about 70% percent of Latino schoolchildren report speaking Spanish at home.

Hispanic Americans are members of the Roman Catholic Church but they also have their own cultural religions of their own groups. Catholicism is the religion of choice for a large portion of Mexican Americans. Religion for Puerto Ricans is as diverse as their Anglo-American counterparts. Puerto Ricans may be Baptist, Catholic, Methodist, Muslim, or any of the other worlds religions. Most Cuban Americans are members of the Roman Catholic Church because of their Spanish influence.

Most Venezuelan Americans are catholic, but do not attend services and other church functions as frequently as other Hispanic groups. Many religious traditions exist but are a combination of religious and secular ways.

Mexican Americans also comprise one of the most circumspect underprivileged groups in the United States, with a normal household income more than 40% below the similar average for non-Hispanic whites.

Many Puerto Ricans that live on mainland United States live in or around New York City. Mexican Americans are the largest subgroup of Hispanic Americans with Puerto Ricans coming in second and Cuban Americans in third place. Cubans have come a long way in society compared to many Hispanic cultures. They have persevered through a tyrannical political leader and economic hard ship. They have come across 90 miles of ocean to reach the shores of Florida and their freedom. The Cuban Americans have come to the United States and gave up many of their traditions, and through assimilation, they have made a better life for themselves.

The familial values of Mexican Americans are different from those of the normal values held by U.S. citizens. The core of the Mexican-American social structure lies with the family. Women, while greatly revered, are still seen as secondary to their husbands; the husbands are seen as the authority figure and the decision-maker for the family. Families are typically very large and the extended family is considered just as important as the immediate



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