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Essay by   •  March 15, 2011  •  2,147 Words (9 Pages)  •  1,192 Views

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Study source A what cab you learn from source A about the reasons for us involvement in Vietnam.

One of the reasons America became more involved in Vietnam was they the fact that they feared the dominion affect. The domino affect is the theory that when one country becomes communist the surrounding countries will 'fall into communism like dominoes'. We can acknowledge this from source A with this quote “if the red tide of communism overflowed into Vietnam, then Burma,Thailand,India,Japan, the Philippines and obviously Laos and Cambodia would be threatened” this shows that America feared the possibility that Vietnam could fall into communism.

Another reason For America's involvement in the Vietnam was that they feared that if Vietnam became communist economy. Would be affected , and trade surrounding countries would not be possible, Vietnam's economy is essential to the economy of southeast Asia. This shows that JFK believed that if the economy of Vietnam was damage the other countries in the world . Would be damaged economically.

Also it can be said that,America never really had a large amount of consideration for the economy in south east Asia,but was scared of what would happen to their own economy if Vietnam had become communist.

Study sources B and C in what ways sources B and C help you understand the reasons for us involvement in south Vietnam.

The evidence in sources B shows U.S that a reason for us involvement in Vietnam was to justify the recent war to stop communism in Korea. In this war America had lost 142,000 solders in the war against Korea . They did not want this lost to be in vain by allowing Vietnam to fall into communism so easily. Evidence is source B helps me to understand because of this quote “in Vietnam a communist government has set out to conquer a sovereign people” this shows that America believed that the south of Vietnam was unable to defend themselves against the aggression of the north.

In source C we are told “ war is attractive to young men who know nothing about it at all” this source tells us that the majority of the people that joined the war, were young and naive. Also “USA had never lost a war and it seemed we were ordained to play the cop to the communist robber and spread our political ideas around the world” this source tells us three things. Firstly the U.S.A hand never lost a war which gave the idea that Vietnam would be a easy and quick war. Secondly ordained meaning it's there job given by god. To protect the weak. Thirdly . they wanted to spread there political ideas around the world, if Vietnam became communion America believed that would not be possible.

Sources C and B show many reasons for us involvement in the war such as, to protect the south of Vietnam from the north, to Justice the recent war in Korea which prevented Korea from becoming communicativeness stretching into religious rations because America believed it was a job from god. To spread there political views around the world.

Study sources C,D and E

use the evidence of these sources C,D and E, and your own knowledge, to explain why the US forces were unable to defeat the Viet cong.

The US forces were unable to defeat Vietnam due to a number of reasons. Firstly due to America's over confidence there believed that because they had never lost a war. Fighting a small country like Vietnam would be easy. Source C tells us this by “The USA had never lost a war”.

Also another reason for the us forces being unable to defeat the Vietcong Was because the USA were unable to fight against guerrilla warfare Guerrilla warfare was as source D tells us “the aim of guerrilla warfare is to nibble at the enemy in such a way that he can neither eat nor sleep in peace” the America had won all there battles with open warfare they were unable to combat the Vietcong's Guerrilla tactics which lead to their defeat. Also source C tells that the VC hardly ever fought set piece battles. “ the rare occasion when the VC chose to fight a set-piece battle provided the only indictment” this also shows that the US solders were becoming frustrated because they had become fed up with the constant fear of being seriously injured, which also lead to the point when people began to wish for death instead of painful injuries and lost the will to live “it is not surprising that some men acquired contempt for human life”.

Another reason for the US failure to defeat the Vietcong was because they were not used to the geography of Vietnam The geography of Vietnam consisted of dense thick forest and trails and huge amounts of marsh and. Thick jungle grass. Not only did this damage the ability of the American solders to travel quickly but it also allowed the perfect places to hide booby traps which could not only physically damage the solders but mentally damage them as well. Traveling through thick marsh with heavy guns and backpacks wore down the US soldiers. Also the massive downpour of rain. Which was constant for days on end also aided to the success of the Vietcong

The Vietcong used many tactics to beat the U.S forces. The main fighting style of the Vietcong, was a type of warfare called guerrilla warfare. Guerrilla warfare consisted of sniper fire, booby traps and ambushes and to slowly weaken your opponent. It was not only physically warfare it was also physiological warfare. The purpose of warfare as source D says “the aim of guerrilla warfare is to nibble at the enemy in such a way that he can neither eat or sleep in peace”. Guerrilla warfare was unable to be defeated by the American forces because,the soldiers had never experienced this type of warfare,also open warfare which consisted of “set piece battles” and opening bombing. Did not have much of an affect on the guerrilla's, and the bombs never had that much of an affect on Vietnam's thick and dense forests. The guerrilla's were constantly laying booby traps and also using the failed U.S bombs to create more weapons. Most American soldiers in fear of being seriously injured and having their body amputated They lost the “contempt for human life”

guerrilla warfare crippled the American soldiers physically and mentally. As source C tells us “the pressure on unit commanders to produce enemy corpses was intense”



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