Essay by Renae Newton • February 20, 2016 • Annotated Bibliography • 290 Words (2 Pages) • 987 Views
Rÿser, R., Korn, L., & Berridge, C. W. (2014). American indian caregiver’s policy: A case study. Fourth World Journal, 13(1), 107-138. URL=HTTP://Search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx? direct[a]=trub&db=a9h&AN=97244619&sites=eds.live
In this article we selected individual family members and individuals employed through county and tribal programs provide care and support to elders. Perhaps the most important element in the change of support and assistance for elder is the person providing the care and who are at major risk due to stress, traumatic events, and chronic health problems[b].
A clinical study was performed and consisted of assessments and personal data to understand more about caregiver stress and how a culturally congruent healing touch therapy might reduce stress and depression. Together with their high rates of exposure to traumatic events earlier in life, these caring individuals were on the verge of near total burn out, and some were at risk of sudden death due to low heart rate variability.