Hobbit Vs Lord of the Flies Compare Contrast
Essay by KarimAlami • April 20, 2017 • Essay • 1,154 Words (5 Pages) • 1,776 Views
Compare and Contrast essay
You shall not pass! Said Gandalf as he saved Frodo and the gang from the winged beast of the underworld. Frodo and Ralph are very similar characters, but along with these similarities, they have their differences. In the novel the Lord of the Flies by William Golding, a bunch of school kids were on an evacuation plane and crash landed on an island and Ralph and a bunch of other boys must learn to create a society of their own and to stay civilized, while in the movie “The Lord of the Rings”, Frodo, a hobbit, was selected by Gandalf, a wise wizard to go on a dangerous journey to Mordor and risk losing his uncle, Bilbo’s most prized possession, a ring. Ralph and Jack are both risk taking, strong, leaders on breath-taking adventures but even with these traits, they act differently.
Ralph and Frodo are both risk-takers but Ralph is forced to be one while Frodo chose to. Ralph is a risk-taker since he accepts to go discover whether or not the “beast”, that some of the stranded kids believe in, really exists with Jack and Roger. This shows that Ralph is a risk taker, since he risks getting killed because they still don’t know if the beast really exists; so it might be real. Frodo is also a risk-taker, since he accepts proposed by Gandalf to travel to Mordor. This shows that Frodo is a risk-taker because he risks getting caught, killed, and losing his uncle’s “precious ring” to the nasty orcs. These evidences show that Ralph and Frodo are similar characters since they are both risk takers who risk getting killed. Ralph is a risk-taker since he has no other choice since he is stranded on an island and has nothing to lose. This shows that Ralph is a forced-to-be risk taker since he has no other choice than to join Jack and Roger on their hunt for the beast because he is already stranded on an island and has nothing else to do. On the other hand, Frodo is a risk-taker who chose to be one. Frodo was requested by Gandalf the grey to join him on his quest to Mordor and Frodo took the risk of losing his prized possession, his uncles ring. This shows that he is a risk-taker who is confidently willing to take the risk since he is going on a dangerous journey with Bilbo’s ring on the line and has the choice to stay at home. These evidences portray that Frodo and ralph have differences along with their similarities since Frodo choses to go on the quest, while ralph has no other choice than to go. Therefore, Frodo is more of a risk-taker than Ralph.
Ralph and Frodo are both leaders but Ralph leads in an unfriendly way while Frodo is leaning more towards the friendly side. Ralph is a leader because he was elected by the majority of the survivors of the plane crash to be one. This shows that Ralph is a leader since most of the survivors trust him as one. Frodo is a leader as well for Gandalf the grey chose him to lead Samwise, Merry, and Pippin, on a dangerous quest. This shows that Frodo is a leader since, Gandalf, a wise and old wizard, chose him to lead a group of kids on a dangerous journey. These evidences show that Ralph and Frodo are both leaders, since the people around them actually trust them with such a job. Frodo is a friendly leader since he tries to, and succeeds in, comfort his friend Samwise when he is home sick by telling him to imagine as if he were in bed at home. This shows that Frodo is more of a friendly leader since he wastes his time of sleep by trying to comfort a friend in need. Ralph is a leader just like Jack, however, he leads in an unfriendly way. For example he forces Piggy to follow him and makes fun of his nickname “piggy” even though Piggy begged him not to. This shows that Ralph is more of an unfriendly leader for he is a bossy, back-stabber. These evidences show how Frodo is different from Ralph since they both treat their followers differently, Ralph in an unfriendly way trying to bring his followers’ hopes down, while Frodo leads in a friendlier way, trying to comfort his friends and followers in times of need. Moreover, they are both leaders but Frodo is kinder to his followers than Ralph is. Ralph and Frodo are both strong as well as risk-taking leaders but Ralph is strong as in Man vs. Nature, and Frodo is strong as in Man vs. Man. Ralph is both a strong hunter and has a strong will. Ralph is a good hunter for he killed a boar, and he has a strong will since he lasts months stranded on an island and doesn’t give up that easy. This shows that Ralph is strong since he is a skilled hunter as well as a committed person. However, Frodo is strong when it comes to hand to hand combat. For example, when scary ghosts with black hoods on attack the group, he fights them of and does a good job at doing it. This shows that Frodo is a strong person since he knows how to and is a good fighter. These evidences show that Ralph and Frodo are similar people because they are both strong and are good at fighting and killing things. Frodo, however, fights off bad guys such as those that attacked them on their way to Mordor. He is not a committed person as Ralph is. This shows that he is not a strong person in the same way as Ralph is because he fights monsters not other things. Unlike Frodo, Ralph is a strong as in committed person. Ralph can commit suicide however, he choses to stay and survive and is not giving in that easily. This shows that Ralph is more of a Man vs. himself strong guy for he is committed while Frodo is strong in combat. These evidences portray so because Frodo is a fighter while Ralph is confident. In the Lord of the Flies by William Golding, Ralph, the protagonist, shares some similar traits and has some differences with Frodo from “The Lord of the Rings”. Ralph and Frodo are both on breath-taking, life-depending adventures that show us their similarities in the way they react with their surroundings but throughout the journeys, they do have some different reactions. These paragraphs show that Ralph and Frodo are similar because they both were elected leader, take risks, and are both strong, but display these traits in different ways. In conclusion, Ralph and Frodo are both strong, risk-taking leaders chosen by those around them, while Frodo is more of a friendly leader and actually choses to be a risk taker.