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Honors Independent Research Paper

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Clara Tello

Honors Independent Research Project

Adviser: Mr. Stebelton

December 10, 2015

Annotated Bibliographies

Glover, Kaiama. "Feature 20th Century Music." History Detectives Special Investigations. PBS, 2003. Web. 07 Jan. 2016.

        A description of how the blues started the revolution into different musical genres. It started in African American communities with lyrics reflecting the different lives they all lived, “from ragtime to the blues.” Jazz’s ever changing sound could be further seen in the development of rock and roll in the 1950s. Soul music developed with rock which also grew up with African American gospel. To the end of the century rose hip-hop music and culture & by the mid-1970s DJ’s started taking over clubs and putting their own style and music out.

        The PBS’s article will help me organize the timeline for the different musical genres and more of an insight as to what started the radical change in musical style of artists.

Walker, Michael. What You Want Is in the Limo: On the Road with Led Zeppelin, Alice Cooper, and The Who in 1973, the Year the Sixties Died and the Modern Rock Star Was Born. 1st ed. New York: Spiegel & Grau, 2013. Print.

        The book gives a detailed description of three of the most unprecedented tours that occurred in 1973 that defined the oncoming rock and roll era. Michael Walker is the acclaimed journalist that gives a detailed walkthrough of what it was like to be fan, going backstage, onto the jets and into the limos. These rock gods became an overwhelming force with huge entourages along with unimaginable overindulgence and their legendary parties. The Who’s Quadrophenia, Led Zeppelin’s House of the Holy & Alice Cooper’s Billion Dollar Babies were the most ambitious tours of the artist’s careers. Walker describes a decade’s world of self-indulgences into twelve heart-pounding months that redefined the business of superstardom.

        By using the perspective of the journalist, I use this as a better understanding as to why many of these rock gods became so popular and how competitive becoming famous was. The perspective also gives me an idea of what life was like for a rock start at that time and I can compare it to now.

Sherrane, Robert. "The Twentieth Century." Music History 102. Ipl2 - Information You Can Trust, 5 May 2001. Web. 29 Dec. 2015.

        This website describes the effect of music on youth culture today. Teens today are caring less about the meaning of life, and the key questions to not what you do but focus more on what music you listen to. Musical artists today become more popular with having an interesting and catchy chorus to attain adolescent attention for a period of time. Adolescents listen to and watch with gusto without very much realizing how it dominates their lives. Studies have shown that children today focus less on warning labels and prefer to listen to music that is easy to sing along to and to dance.

        The article lets me examine how music has changed and affected youth culture today which helps me describe why youth listen to the music they listen to now.

Heintze, James R. Perspectives on American Music Since 1950. 1st ed. New York: Garland, 1999. Print. Essay's in American Music (Book 4).

        The book is a composition of twelve essays in 1920s that give “ciopolitical”, regional, theoretical, technical and biographical “examinations” of musical life. Several essays in the volume pertain to the early beginning and effects of Blues and jazz, the effects and affects in the world. In another essay a professor begins to describe how the competitive atmosphere was a big part in influencing and nurturing the musical innovation. Three essays examine the keyboard and piano practices during the first half of the century. The final three chapters investigate the relationship between American music and the mass media and then the final two essays work in the focus on music and film.

        The book will help me get a more professional view and change as to what music did for today’s culture and how what was happing back then affected the musicians then.

Masta, Yash. "The Art of Rap." Web log post. IAmaDreamer. Genesis Framework, 27 Mar. 2014. Web. 1 Jan. 2016.

        The article describes the surprising stay of rap music when many believed it to be a passing faze while Rock ‘n’ Roll was considered an art form. It started as a form of music meant to express to the pain and challenges that many were facing in the African American community. Songs that linked back to the times of slavery, segregation and discrimination. But in the late twentieth century Rap suddenly changed from pain to something to show people who lived in the slums to rise up and live a fulfilling life. Soon after Rap changed and developed many sub genres, including the Gangster Rap genre which caused a lot of stigma but later became less popular.

        This will help me to compare some of the different genres of music, such as rap to rock ‘n’ roll and the different struggle.

Majewski, Lori, Jonathan Bernstein, Nick Rhodes, and Moby. Mad World: An Oral History of New Wave Artists and Songs That Defined the 1980s. New York: Abrams Image, 2014. Print.

        The book Mad World is a magazine/book that gives a media type of view to the different musical artist. As with the different genres of music, in the magazine you can see the different style of fashion and what type of person the musician was. It gives a small description of the artist, people and what a person can tell from the pictures how different each time and can see the causes that were happening in the world that effect and inspired the artist to either be different or act upon it. The book also demonstrates and gives a detailed description on how the songs and artist defined the 1980s.

        The magazine let me actually describe and visualize the different years and types of music that emerged during that time.

Goodin, Jesse Kinos. "40 Years of Hip-Hop, As Told by Those Who Were There." Web log post. CBC Music. CBC Radio-Canada, 12 Aug. 2013. Web. 11 Jan. 2016.

        The blog is mostly consisted of tasteful fans that existed at the time of the artist. Each fan gives a description of the artist, what their concert was like and how it inspired or defined them. The blog is a representation of the rise in cultural and social power that hip-hop became. Although it wasn’t always that way it gives an idea of the important moments of growth in the genre. Like most music, inspired by the Blues and jazz, hip-hop is now one of the most popular genres we see today. The artists are the reason why people turned their head and were able to change the whole game for centuries to come.



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