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Horn Warranty Case Study

Essay by   •  August 3, 2018  •  Case Study  •  796 Words (4 Pages)  •  761 Views

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Synthesizing and analyzing Data


Group No : 02

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Project Name: Horn Warranty

Business context of the Project: Lot of Customer complaint are being received in warranty of horn not working or early failure of horn in field.

Purpose of the project: To understand the root cause of Horn not working.

Domain: Warranty Analysis Cell (WAC) come under Central quality Assurance (CQA). & Action taken by Supplier quality Assurance (SQA).

Scope of the Project:

To research we have to collect the Horn Field Failure data of Nov-16-Mar-17

Literature Survey (if applicable)

Hypothesis Design : Horn are receiving due to Part quality.

Research Design:  >170 Nos. of Horn are receiving in warranty as early failure.

Instrument Design

Q1. Are the horn failed in specific Zone (e.g. East, West, South, North, Central).

Q2. Are the Horn are coming from specific dealer.

Q3. Are the all technical managers are liable to understand the phenomena.

Q4. Are the Specific instrument available at dealer end to reset the horn.

Timelines for submitting the deliverables of the Project :

  1. Project Proposal                                 : April 16,2017
  2. Piloting of the Instrument                        : May 07, 2017
  3. Data collection                                : May 30,2017
  4. Data analysis                                        : June .30,2017
  5. Final report                                         : July 31,2017

Success criteria for the Project: Horn resetting criteria & training to be defined at dealer end.


Efficient computational models that retain essential physics of the associated continuous mathematical models are important for several applications including acoustic horn optimization. For heterogeneous wave propagation models that are naturally posed on unbounded domains, a crucial physical requirement is that the scattered fields are radiating and satisfy a radiation condition at infinity. We describe and implement an efficient high-order coupled computer model for acoustic wave propagation in an unbounded region comprising bounded heterogeneous media with several obstacles. Our unbounded and heterogeneous media computer model retains the radiation condition exactly and hence is readily applicable for the celebrated acoustic horn problem. This approach is more suitable than using a standard low-order approximation of the radiation condition. Using parallel computing environments, we demonstrate the high-order algorithm with extensive numerical experiments and computational analysis, including the model horn problem with several material property parameters. Our efficient computer models and validation in this work lead to some interesting mathematical and numerical analysis problems for the acoustic system defined on unbounded and heterogeneous media comprising smooth, non-smooth, horn, impenetrable, and penetrable obstacles.



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