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How Did The Politics In The Age Of Jackson Become More Democratic? Discuss The Political Careers Of John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, And Martin Van Buren To Demonstrate The New Political Winds That Were Blowing Across The Nation.

Essay by   •  March 3, 2011  •  699 Words (3 Pages)  •  2,097 Views

Essay Preview: How Did The Politics In The Age Of Jackson Become More Democratic? Discuss The Political Careers Of John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, And Martin Van Buren To Demonstrate The New Political Winds That Were Blowing Across The Nation.

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During the Age of Jackson, politics became much more democratic. The first president during this period was actually John Quincy Adams. In the election of 1824, Jackson actually held the most popular votes, but failed to have a majority because 4 candidates had run for office. Due to a corrupt bargain, the House of Representatives chose John Quincy Adams as president. The controversy of this election would lead to new, more democratic, policies. Firstly, around this time most states adopted universal white male suffrage, as opposed to before when there were property requirements to vote. This was unconstitutional because it put the government in the hands of the wealthy that owned property and not people from all social classes. More popular participation was used in nominating the candidates for a political party. Common people could now participate in the convention. A more democratic and direct method of voting for the president was new to the Age of Jackson. Instead of voting for legislatures who would vote for electors who would vote for the president, people would now directly vote for the electors. The Election of 1824 was the last election to only have one political party. After that, there were two political parties, which made the election fairer. Other smaller political parties were also allowed to have candidates run for president, even if there was no hope of winning. During the Age of Jackson, a larger number of state and local officials were elected as opposed to appointed to office. All of these democratic policies concerning the election of the president were employed during the Age of Jackson and made for less controversial elections.

John Quincy Adams, though he most likely obtained office unfairly, kept the position. As opposed by Jacksonians, he asked Congress for money for internal improvements, manufacturing aid, and a national university. Followers of Jackson disagreed with these measures. They believed that federal money to aid internal improvement that only benefited one or two states was unfair; the states should pay for anything that benefited only them. They also were generally for power to the states and resented a national university. The Tariff of Abominations, as it was called, was passed in 1828, towards the end of Adams' term. It alienated southern planters to the benefit of the north. This was a perfect opportunity for Jackson's follower to gain support for the election of 1828. Jackson



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