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How Our World Is Changing

Essay by   •  November 14, 2010  •  1,503 Words (7 Pages)  •  1,676 Views

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As the title of this paper states, "How our World is Changing" our world is constantly changing. Our world changes everyday without most of us ever seeing or noticing any changes, but as we look back in history we can see some tremendous changes. As history is studied these changes become apparent and truly jump out and become real.

Out of all the changes in our history, some of the most significant changes that have made an impact include; women's rights, civil rights and religion. Women and people of color have made several steps toward earning equal rights over the past forty years. World religions are as diverse as the individuals that participate in them.

Women have had quite a few hurdles to get over since the 1950's. In 1958 the proportion of women attending college in comparison with men was 35 percent. (Friedan,

369) Women were supposed to be happy and content at home taking care of her family. In the late 1950's, many women began to feel they needed more, and so a movement was started.

Women were drawn into the work place in the 1960's when the economy expanded and rising consumer aspirations fueled the desire of many families for a second income. By 1960, 30.5 percent of all wives worked and the number of women graduating from college grew. (Echols, 400) Women soon found they were being treated differently and paid less then their male co-workers.

In the mid 1970's, cities began to have women applying for firefighter positions and by the late 1970's, cities began hiring women as firefighters. This was only a small victory for women. Dealing with the men in a male dominant department would be an even bigger struggle for women. (Seattle)

A sexual harassment survey was conducted in 1995 with 551 women firelighters responded. The survey revealed that 88% of the women had experienced sexual harassment. 73% of the women stated they had been treated differently in negative ways, from their male co-workers. (Sexual Harassment) In 1999, a longer survey was given and the percentages increased when women were asked if they had experienced any sexual harassment.

I have heard quite a few men say that women cannot do the job because they are not strong enough. Being a Firefighter today takes more brains then 20 years ago. The ability to be a clear thinker is one of the biggest assets a firefighter must have today. Very few firefighters ever need to be rescued by a single firefighter, because firefighters always work with at least one partner.

I also hear how this is a man's job and women just do not belong. Attitudes like this just brew bitterness between males and females. If these attitudes do not change we will never change. I try to put an end to rumors and explain why I believe women do belong as members of the Fire service.

I have a tendency to feel empathy toward the "underdog" and I am hoping to turn around the aged idea that women cannot do the work of a fire "man". Other minorities have had similar struggles (and all too often still are) in the past. Women as well as blacks and Latinos still have a lot of work ahead in order to overcome all the injustices that get in their way.

Similar to the fight women are having, other minorities are still fighting for their equality today. Forty years ago the Civil Rights Act passed and people are still discriminated against only because of the color of their skin.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 in the United States was landmark legislation. The original purpose of the Bill was to protect black men from discrimination, but at the last minute in an attempt to kill the bill, it was expanded to include protection for women. Affirmative action was then created out of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It actually went into effect out of an Executive order that was delivered by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1965. He wanted to do more than what the non-discrimination laws of the time were trying to accomplish. He also wanted to see minorities and women get a better chance at advancement in their current jobs. (Affirmative Action) Affirmative action was put into place to help groups considered by some to be victims of social discrimination, "preferential" or "equal" (depending on one's point of view) access to an environment or benefits, such as education, employment, health care or social welfare. (Racism)

Everyday minorities are being treated better. Employers must follow the laws set and make sure all of their employees know these laws, and that they are complying with the laws. Men and women must all be treated equally no matter what their race, religion, age, disability, national origin, or ancestry.

When guidelines are written, the top management must believe and follow these guidelines. There must be no tolerance allowed when talking about discrimination or harassment. Problems dealing with discrimination must be dealt with swiftly.

Training must also be a consideration if employers truly believe in the program and want the program to work. This training will continually remind everyone discrimination and/or harassment will not be tolerated. The review of case studies would also be a true wake up call for some and let violators know what will happen and how severely this is handled.

Women, blacks and Latinos will continue to have problems until everyone decides to stand aside and let women, blacks and Latinos work where they want.

I am currently mentoring an African American male that is trying to become a Firefighter. During this process I have learned that it has been eight years since the Wichita Fire Department has hired an African American.



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