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How Successful Was Organized Labor In Improving The Position Of Workers In The Period From 1875 To 1900? Analyze The Factors That Contributed To The Level Of Success Achieved.

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Essay Preview: How Successful Was Organized Labor In Improving The Position Of Workers In The Period From 1875 To 1900? Analyze The Factors That Contributed To The Level Of Success Achieved.

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The years following the Civil War and Reconstruction was an era somewhat gilded. The Second Industrial Revolution came about with new inventions, and revolutionized how factories and jobs were worked. Factory workers in this time period were working in poor conditions and had no power whatsoever. Often they were abused and their wages were cut very low. The mass immigration also did not favor laborers as it made them so easy to replace. In order to fight back laborers would join labor unions in order to protest; however, during this time the labor unions were not that affective during 1875 and 1900 because although they had their efforts many of them would not work to their advantage; efforts would give them a bad reputation, go out of control, and the government did not take initiatives to help, hence not accomplishing much at all.

Primarily, one of the important factors of the American opinion upon labor unions was the press. One of which was the New York Times (Document B). Often times the press was bribed by big companies in order to have the people favor them, hence giving strikers and labor unions a bad name. This article is about the Baltimore and the Ohio Railroad strike. They say it's a hopeless cause and the strikers do not even know what they want. Document C is another example how the reputation for labor unions wasn't so good. In the picture one can see that the laborer has killed the goose which lays the golden egg. One of these golden eggs are in his pocket and another in the bag of his wife and kid. The picture also suggests that labor unions do not know what they are doing and will regret it in the long run. The man in the back is communist showing that labor unions have communist influence. "Strike!! Strike!! As they did last July down with the Capital," refers to the same strike as Document B, and ridicules them about it, saying they are against the capital. Under "up with the red flag," is suggest labor violence and that communism involves giving workers earnings to "lazy and drunk workmen." Document F also shows the involvement of the Knights of Labor who earned themselves a very bad reputation for themselves after the Haymarket incident. There were a few killed and they were then associated with this event.

The New York Times once again published an article about the strikers. This one is an example how labor unions would get out of hand. Document G shows the dead list of the Homestead Strike. In this list you can see the Pinkerton detectives that were used in order to infiltrate these labor unions. They were used to keep the peace with the unions and the factories. Most of the dead are from Homestead, one was labeled a striker others as employed. Regardless it shows that the people of Homestead lost this battle and after this riot. Several of the strikers appear to come from different ethnic groups (Markowisky and Sotak for example was probably of Eastern European origin and others appear to be of German or English ancestry) making it hard to organize & management sometimes deliberately divided their workers in this manner. After the event all were fired and wages were cut, proving that these labor unions were ineffective. "Too many cooks spoil the broth" is another example how labor unions began to lose control.

Too many groups are fighting to represent laborers and this lack of unity hurts the labor movement. The involvement of anarchists and socialists, although small groups within the labor movement, allow their enemies to brand all labor groups as "radical." The Knights of Labor and the labor movement in general were in very bad shape because of the Haymarket Riot (which occurred less than a year before this cartoon was published). The Knights of Labor also had troubles as they began to divide up within themselves among the skilled and the unskilled workers.

Finally, when they were recognized by the government, for example the Supreme Court, they passed the Interstate Commerce Act; however this act was not enforced. Also this did not help out the primary cause for labor unions. Gomper's testimony (Document I), claims that workers find that improvements in methods of production and distribution are constantly being made. Workers, therefore, he argues need occasionally to strike or all advantages will go to the employers and all injuries to the employees. Rights, he says, have been gained by the people through sacrifices and persistency. Samuel Gomper was the founder of the American Federation of Labor. The AFL did survive the 19th century because it primarily included skilled workers. The AFL kept out of involvement in politics and built up strike funds,



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