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How To Be Save

Essay by   •  November 2, 2010  •  542 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,135 Views

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Many people say they are a Christian but do they know what it really means to be a Christian? Christian means to be Christ like. If you read in the bible we know that Christ was sin free. I am going to tell you how to live a life like Christ.

The first step to start your life to be like Christ is to repent of your sins according to Acts 10:9-10, "if thou will confess with thou mouth and believe in thy heart that God raise Jesus from the dead thou shall be saved". So this is basically saying that you have to say out of your mouth, "Lord forgive me of my sins and at the same time you have to believe in your heart that God raise Jesus from the dead.

The second step is you have to basically stop doing what you know is wrong and do what you know is right. It may be hard at first but if you keep at it you will succeed.

After the second step you have to study the word of God according in the book of first timothy which states study to show thy self approve unto god, a workman needed not be ashamed, rightly divided the word of truth. This means study the word of God so you know how to live a Christian life and rightly dividing the work of truth means, not adding anything to the word of God or taking anything away from it. You have to do this step so you can fight the enemy which is the Devil. This will help you to make it through rough times. The word of God will keep you on the right path.

The fourth step is to receive the gift of God's spirit. Now when you receive God's spirit he will guide you in your life. He will help you to make good decisions and he will tell you if something are wrong to do before you do it, he want stop you, he jus warns you beforehand. God gives us a free will, so we choose to do right or wrong. The word of God says in Deuteronomy that you choose good or evil but he tells us to choose good and why we should choose good. Choosing to do good wills give you everlasting life.



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