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How to Protect Your Privacy in Windows 10

Essay by   •  June 20, 2016  •  Essay  •  970 Words (4 Pages)  •  1,387 Views

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Topic: How to protect your privacy in Windows 10

General Purpose: To demonstrate

Specific Purpose: To demonstrate to my audience how to protect your privacy in Windows 10

Thesis: Windows 10, an operating system adopted by millions of people today is spying on them without

their consent or knowledge

I. Introduction

A. Attention Getter:

Nowadays our privacy is one of our biggest concerns when we’re on our computers or using the

internet. Privacy is major issue with Microsoft’s latest operating system Windows 10, due to

Microsoft spying on what you’re doing and collecting personal data from you. Now some

people may say that giving up your data is a good thing and can make technology better and I

don’t disagree in some respects, but me personally I like my privacy and I want to be able to

have full control with allowing to share my personal information or not.

B. Significance –

I’m sure most you guys are familiar with the Windows operating system in general, and at least

some of you personally are you using Windows 10, I believe it’s necessary that you should know

more about it’s privacy issues.

C. Credibility – According to the Microsoft Website as of yesterday June 14 th 2016 more than 300

million devices are running Windows 10 in less than year since its launch.

Recently what is even more concerning is that according to CNET in May 2016

“Instead of simply giving you the option to install its latest operating system (or not), Microsoft

now automatically schedules a date and time to update your PC to Windows 10” exposing and

making even more people vulnerable to invasion of their privacy.

D. Thesis – Overall Windows 10 spying and data collection affects anyone that uses it unless you

know the necessary steps to do something about it.

E. Preview – Today I would like to show you guys everything you need to know to disable all the

privacy leaks in Windows 10. I will be sharing with you the settings & programs you will need,

how to install them, and finally how to implement and use them.

Transition: Alright so although many people aren’t aware of the privacy issues with Windows

10, let alone how to protect yourself, it’s actually quite simple.

II Body:

1. First, I will list and talk about the methods & programs you will use to have a spying free and

protected system.

a. Your Windows Settings has many privacy related options within it such as your Location,

Camera, and Microphone that you can easily turn off if you just know where to navigate

and go.

b. Spybot Anti-Beacon is a free and simple, easy to use tool that allows you to block all of

the services that track what you’re doing and send your personal information back to

Microsoft. It was created to address the privacy concerns of Windows 10 users who do

not wish to share the data of their private computer usage.

c. Windows Command Prompt allows to control your operating system at the lowest level

possible by using commands that enable you to completely delete privacy related things

from your system.

Transition: Some of us use different kinds of windows operating systems than others or not at all, but if

any of you will be using Windows 10 at some point in the future, we need to know how to protect our


2. Second, I will demonstrate how to access and where you need to go within Windows

Settings, where to go & how to install Spybot-Anti Beacon, and lastly how to access the

Windows Command Line

a. Click on the start menu icon at the bottom left of your screen, click settings, and last you

want to click on the privacy icon in the second row



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