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In computing, HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is a markup language designed for the creation of web pages with hypertext and other information to be displayed in a web browser. HTML is used to structure information -- denoting certain text as headings, paragraphs, lists and so on -- and can be used to describe, to some degree, the appearance and semantics of a document. HTML's grammar structure is the HTML DTD that was created using SGML syntax.

Originally defined by Tim Berners-Lee and further developed by the IETF, HTML is now an international standard (ISO/IEC 15445:2000). Later HTML specifications are maintained by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Early versions of HTML were defined with looser syntactic rules which helped its adoption by those unfamiliar with web publishing. Web browsers commonly made assumptions about intent and proceeded with rendering of the page. Over time, the trend in the official standards has been to create an increasingly strict language syntax; however, browsers still continue to render pages that are far from valid HTML.

XHTML, which applies the stricter rules of XML to HTML to make it easier to process and maintain, is the W3C's successor to HTML. As such, many consider XHTML to be the "current version" of HTML, but it is a separate, parallel standard; the W3C continues to recommend the use of either XHTML 1.1, XHTML 1.0, or HTML 4.01 for web publishing.


1 Version history of the standard

2 Markup element types

3 The Document Type Definition

4 Separation of style and content

5 Publishing HTML with HTTP

6 HTML e-mail

7 HTML as a hypertext format

8 See also

9 External links

9.1 W3C Specifications

9.2 Selected Tutorials/Guides

9.3 Validators

Version history of the standard


Cascading Style Sheets

Character encodings

Layout engine comparison

Dynamic HTML

Font family

HTML editor

HTML element

HTML scripting

Unicode and HTML

Web colors



Hypertext Markup Language (First Version), published June 1993 as an Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) working draft (not standard).

HTML 2.0, published November 1995 as IETF RFC 1866, and declared obsolete/historic by RFC 2854 in June 2000.

HTML 3.2, published January 14, 1997 as a W3C Recommendation.

HTML 4.0, published December 18, 1997 as a W3C Recommendation.

HTML 4.01, published December 24, 1999 as a W3C Recommendation.

ISO/IEC 15445:2000 ("ISO HTML", based on HTML 4.01 Strict), published May 15, 2000 as an ISO/IEC international standard.

XHTML 1.0, published January 26, 2000 as a W3C Recommendation, later revised and republished August 1, 2002.

XHTML 1.1, published May 31, 2001

(XHTML 2.0, W3C Working Draft)

There is no official standard HTML 1.0 specification because there were multiple informal HTML standards at the time. However, some people consider the initial edition provided by Tim Berners-Lee to be the definitive HTML 1.0. That version did not include an IMG element type. Work on a successor for HTML, then called "HTML+", began in late 1993, designed originally to be "A superset of HTML...which will allow a gradual rollover from the previous format of HTML". The first formal specification was therefore given the version number 2.0 in order to distinguish it from these unofficial "standards". Work on HTML+ continued, but it never became a standard.

The HTML 3.0 standard was proposed by the newly formed W3C in March 1995, and provided many new capabilities such as support for tables, text flow around figures, and the display of complex math elements. Even though it was designed to be compatible with HTML 2.0, it was too complex at the time to be implemented, and when the draft expired in September 1995 work in this direction was discontinued due to lack of browser support. HTML 3.1 was never officially proposed, and the next standard proposal was HTML 3.2 (code-named "Wilbur"), which dropped the majority of the new features in HTML 3.0 and instead adopted many browser-specific element types and attributes which had been created for the Netscape and Mosaic web browsers. Math support as proposed by HTML 3.0 finally came about years later with a different standard, MathML.

HTML 4.0 likewise adopted many browser-specific element types and attributes, but at the same time began to try to "clean up" the standard by marking some of them as deprecated, and suggesting they not be used.

Minor editorial revisions to the HTML 4.0 specification were published as HTML 4.01.

The most common extension for files containing HTML is .html, however, older operating systems, such as DOS, limit file extensions to three letters, so a .htm extension is also used. Although perhaps less common now, the shorter form is still widely supported by current software.

Markup element types

Below are the kinds of markup element types in HTML.

Structural markup. Describes the purpose of text. For example,


directs the browser to render "Golf" as a second-level heading, similar to "Markup element types" at the start of this section. Structural markup does not denote any specific rendering, but most web browsers have standardised on how elements



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