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Huck Finn

Essay by   •  June 5, 2011  •  575 Words (3 Pages)  •  1,033 Views

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The thought of challenging "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" for racism is outrageous. Mark twain has touched the hearts of many readers all over the world who are entertained by adventure. If the school board tries to ban this book from the curriculum, they are taking something from all of us. This book is being challenged because it is uncovering the horrible truths of slavery in the south. What I believe this story is about is how a young man makes a decision to free a black slave from the hardships of having different colored skin. Mark twain has done us all a favor in helping us all understand how blacks were degraded and used as property back in the 1830's. In my eyes, Twain's literature is anything but racism.

Even the great Earnest Hemmingway stated that the book "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" was the source of all American literature. All throughout the novel, Mark Twain builds Jim's character up from being a white lady's slave to being a black man on a mission to become free. This is an example of how someone who may have never made anything of himself due to his status has come to inherit self-respect and pride in what he is doing from Huck's actions. Mark Twain is inspiring readers that they can become anything regardless of where they stand today. The school board cannot keep us from learning that.

Mark Twain's literature is inspiring to many readers. His two books, "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn", were the most enjoyable for me to read. The journey's that both the characters went on were very amusing and made me want to keep reading. Although I did find some of Twain's phrases offensive, he used them in a way that was common in the time this book was written. The word "nigger" was commonly used in this book but was in a different context from the meaning we know of today. If you are someone who overlooks and misinterprets



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