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Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain

Essay by   •  January 30, 2018  •  Essay  •  568 Words (3 Pages)  •  898 Views

Essay Preview: Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain

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Huckleberry Finn was written by Mark Twain in the late 1800’s about a boy and a runaway slave floating down the Mississippi River. Although the text seems very straightforward, it is actually a direct commentary on racism and slavery in society. At a specific point in the novel, Huck becomes sickened by a deadly fight between two feuding families. Twain crafts his text by using irony, point of view, and allusion to connect the satiric effect of the passage to his logical purpose.

Twain uses dramatic irony in this passage to show how foolish and unlogical society was acting. After the fight between the neighbors occured, Huckleberry reflects on the fact that, “...there wasn’t no home like a raft, after all. Other places do seem so cramped up and smothery, but a raft don’t” (Twain 92). The author uses this claim to create a satirical effect about how ridiculous the steps taken by the two families were. This statement is funny in the moment because the audience knows a raft is not comfortable, yet Huck would rather be on the raft then witnessing a fight. Twain also uses this passage to show how crazy society was behaving. He makes a point to show how instead of thinking rationally, people can be quick to make assumptions and rush into violence. By using Huckleberry’s analogy, we get a sense of how unnecessary the feud was, and we see Twain push towards a logical appeal of clear thinking and reasonable thought.

The author describes Huck’s point of view to show how absurd the situation was and to also make a mockery of it. Towards the end of the passage, Huckleberry looks back on the pure animal-like brutality that caused the death of several people. He tries to quickly get rid of the sickening feeling and hears “...Jim’s voice-nothing ever sounded so good before” (Twain 92). Mark Twain utilizes this assertion to further his satirical effect. Huck hasn’t always been the closest with Jim so it is humorous that now he finds



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