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Human Communication Theories

Essay by   •  November 10, 2012  •  3,561 Words (15 Pages)  •  1,481 Views

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Human Communication Theories


In this paper, I will briefly describe, and compare and contrast two theories discussed in the book, A First Look at the Communication Theory by Em Griffin: Uncertainty Reduction Theory and the Expectancy Violations Theory. Furthermore, I will also include real-life situations that apply to these theories.

Expectancy Violations Theory has its roots in Uncertainty Reduction research, therefore, there will be some similarities between these two theories. But before I compare the similarities, I will discuss the obvious differences.

Uncertainty Reduction Theory (URT) is a theory developed by Charles Berger that is used to explain relational development between strangers and "how human communication is used to gain knowledge and create understanding" (Griffin, 130). In the beginning of every relationship there is a high level of uncertainty about the other person. The goal then is to reduce the uncertainty and to increase predictability by going through various levels of communication. According to Berger, there are three stages in every interaction, the entry stage, the personal stage, and the exit stage. The beginnings of an interaction between two strangers will typically follow a question and answer format in which the questions are often demographic and transactional. Such questions could include hometown, date of birth, or occupation. This is phase is what Berger calls the entry phase. When both people are satisfied with the first stage then they will move on from there. The Uncertainty Reduction Theory suggests strangers have a natural desire to gain information about others in order to reduce their own uncertainty and decrease levels of anxiety. This reduction of uncertainty is important to relational development because successful reduction of uncertainty provides for positive future interactions.

Communication theory

Knowing the proper communication process is important so people will understand from the beginning what the sender is trying to said to the receiver, this paper will be taking about what is communication, the purpose of communication, what is good communication, what is the different between verbal and nonverbal communication, what kind of experience has come from team/group communication and using formal written communication.

Communication is the way people share information, ideas between each other it is a skill learned during the life. This can be done in difference ways like verbal and nonverbal; people can communication with their eyes, and feelings, body language, talking, and writing. The communication process has are six basic elements in the communication process, and they are communicator, communicate, message, channel, and feedback. The communicator is the sender, speaker, writer, who intends to express or send out a message. The communicatee is the receiver of the message for whom the communication is meant to receive it. The message is the content of the letter, speech, order or idea. The communication channel is how the sender will pass on the information and understanding to the receiver. The feedback replied or reaction of the information that is sent in the communication. The purpose of communication is to send messages effectively to the person or persons who will be receiving, or reading it. This is how people work together, emotions, or thoughts from one to another. The purpose is to create harmony or dissonance with the sender and receiver. Poor and Good communication, good communication is when people are present, paying attention to what is being said, and the message is clear and to the point and the receiver has a clear and open mind to all the points in the communication.

Communication Theory Paper

Communication theory can be defined as the theory of the communication of information from point A to point B. Communication is studied by scholars, and is broken up into semiotics, media effects, and message production. The aspects of communications that have the greatest affect in everyday life are interpersonal (how an individual processes information), intrapersonal (the interactions and influence that two individuals have on each other), and group (how dynamics happen among individuals)(Elsevier, 2006). In this document the subject to discuss is a typical day in Cardio-vascular surgery. Also, how good communication is beneficial and how a breakdown in communication can cause complications that can be fixed.

Communication Process Paper

The importance in being able to effectively communicate with others is essential in our everyday lives. Although everyone participates in some process of communication, not everyone knows how to communicate well. Communication is a process involving the encoding and decoding of messages being sent and received by a source and receiver, respectively. Messages are sent through various channels, such as face-to-face interaction, electronic mail, or telephone. Depending upon the channel used to communicate a message, it may allow for the communication to be transactional or unilateral. All of this occurs within a certain context, and it may also include noise factors, such as cultural differences or physical distractions, that may disrupt the effectiveness of the message being communicated. The more knowledgeable one is of the multiple factors involved in the communication process, the better the chances of effective and efficient communication.

In Organizational Behavior, John Schermerhorn et al believes that "it is useful to think of communication as a process of sending and receiving messages with attached meanings" (190). Mission Hospital is where I work, vast amounts of messages are sent and received daily, and depending on its availability, certain channels will be utilized. Due to the high volume of different messages, there is always the chance that some messages will be successful while others are not.

An example of an unsuccessful message, where the source of the message was unable to effectively communicate the tasks that were to be completed, involved a voicemail that my manager left for the supervisor to relay to the staff. My supervisor left due to a family emergency, she will be out the rest of the week, and my manager is now on vacation. It is now a week later and the message was not passed on. This is why effective communication is so important.

Communication Theories Paper

Communication is defined as a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs or behavior. Communication helps us



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